The 2020 Wellness Industry Takeover

The 2020 Wellness Industry Takeover

There are millions of hashtags, trends, and influencers in the realm of wellness. Whipped matcha lattes, plant-based recipes, calming yoga flows and energy healing are popping up all over the media. Wellness is redefining itself in a modernized and contemporary way. But what does this mean for the economy? It means the 2020 wellness industry takeover has officially commenced. From here the trillion-dollar industry is only expanding, so don’t get left behind!

How the Wellness Industry is Taking Over

This grand and gleaming industry covers all realms of well-being. According to the 2018 Global Wellness Economy Monitor, the ten industry segments that comprise the economy of wellness include fitness/mindbody, nutrition and weight loss, personal care (beauty and anti-aging); preventative and personalized medicine (public health), spa economy, thermal/mineral springs, traditional and complementary medicine, wellness real estate, wellness tourism, and workplace wellness

So is this industry really worth the hype? Considering the value of the industry was at $4.2 trillion dollars as of 2017 and has grown 12.8% since 2015, our decision…hell yes! Welcome to the wellness industry takeover.

1.) Fitness and mind-body health

This $595 billion segment of the industry focuses primarily on your overall physical well-being. Meditation/yoga studios, fitness tracker apps, and workout apparel dominate this segment.

2.) Nutrition, healthy eating and weight-loss

New modified diets for “high-vibe consumption” are spreading like wildfire. According to CNN Health, the plant-based diet rings in at number one for healthy eating.

This segment has a worth of $702 billion and covers your organic food purchases, diet plans, and weight loss programs. Gotta stay healthy!

3.) Personal care, beauty, and anti-aging

Ranking at the top of the 10 segments, this $1.1 trillion industry is officially unstoppable. People want to feel their best, and with that comes looking your best.

Dermatology, salons, cosmetics, and anything else related to your good looks reign this segment of personal care.

4.) Preventative and personalized medicine

Taking a more Eastern approach, this segment is worth $575 billion. The main focus is keeping patients well with health plans and check-ups to detect risk factors of disease.

Customized meal plans and wellness lifestyles are growing in popularity by the minute.

5.) Spa economy

The common phrase of “treat yourself” leads this segment of this wellness industry. Coming in at $118 billion, the spa economy is actually still growing 10% annually.

Facials, foot rubs, and feel-good moments, oh my!

6.) Thermal and mineral springs

Is there something life-changing in the water? Nope, just $56 billion. As our society grows, so does our stress level.

According to consumers worldwide, releasing your worries in a warm body of water is well worth it.

7.) Traditional and complementary medicine

Holistic practices such as Ayurveda, homeopathy, energy healing, herbal remedies, and naturopathy constitute an increase in Chinese and Eastern medicine. With a rise in diverse medical healthcare, traditional and complementary medicine make up $360 billion. That’s $1 billion per day.

Ancient Chinese medicine practitioners seem to have known what’s up.

8.) Wellness real estate

As wellness grows to become an essential part of our lifestyles, more homes, and institutional properties are working to incorporate wellness into their design. Haven Coliving is a perfect example. Located in Los Angeles, this living center unites people with a passion for health and wellness.

haven coliving wellness industry takeover

At a $134 billion market, the wellness real estate economy is expected to expand 6.4% annually.

9.) Wellness tourism

With the expansion of putting your well-being first, incorporating your well-being into travel is just as essential. Growing at 6.5% annually the $639 billion market covers everything from yoga retreats to healthy cruises.

10.) Workplace wellness

An increasing number of companies are ensuring they have outstanding employee performance. In order for employees to perform well, they must be well.

At a $48 billion market, companies are spending high amounts on health and wellness programs, equipment, and activities.

To sum it up, wellness is at the root of all our lifestyles whether we acknowledge it or not. The perpsective on wellness is evolving as it encompasses all aspects of our lives.

Next time you think of your overall well-being, don’t forget that there is more to wellness than eating healthy. There is actually trillions of dollars more. Take a walk over to the wellness industry takeover.

The Best Morning Routine to Set You Up for Success

The Best Morning Routine to Set You Up for Success

Always wake up feeling groggy, foggy, and slumped? Does it take more than five minutes for you to finally get your feet on the ground? Do you walk to the bathroom like a zombie out of one of those apocalypse movies? If so, prepare to kiss that groggy you goodbye. Here is the best morning routine to set your day up for success. Get ready to feel high on life.

What is the Best Morning Routine?

All your life you’ve dreaded getting up in the morning. The hell-bending moment your alarm clock goes off and echoes in your dreams. You wake up with a jolt. “What day is it? Crap, am I late for something? What year is it? Did the aliens take over yet?” Then you proceed the rest of your morning running around your house like a chicken with its head cut off rushing to get ready.

So what is the ideal morning routine that won’t leave you feeling rushed, groggy, or out-of-it? Well, it all starts with how you get up.

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1.) Wake up with time to chill tf out!

ocean sunrise

The “expert early birds” always say how you start your morning is everything. So let’s take that into consideration people! If you start your morning feeling rushed and hectic that is 100% how the rest of your day will feel. No matter what.

In order to provide enough time to chill out in the morning aim for waking up before or as the sun rises. According to Ayurvedic philosophy, we actually gain energy as the sun rises.

Rising when the sun does provides us enough time to be in a calm state before the hustle of the day begins. Brew some tea or coffee and go sit outside and watch the sunrise.

Takeaway: Take in the calmness of the morning

2.) Have a glass of lemon water

Due to us being unconscious for a solid 7-8 hours (hopefully, you’re getting this much sleep), our bodies are quite dehydrated when we wake up. Feeling dehydrated leaves us performing at low capacity. Not to mention our bodies are deprived of essential lubrication to joints and muscles.

Start the morning off by drinking a glass of room temperature lemon water. Ayurvedic philosophy states we should avoid consuming cold water. In doing so, we are causing our body to work harder to increase the temperature of the water. This results in unwanted loss of energy. We don’t need any more loss of energy than we already might have!

Adding a slice of lemon or two in your water will stimulate enzyme function leading to stimulated liver function. This stimulation results in toxins being flushed from your system. What a great way to start the day…good riddance nasty toxins!

Takeaway: Lemon stimulates liver function, flushing toxins from your system

3.) Move your body

move your body morning routine

You’ve probably heard this millions of times, but I’m here to tell you again. Move your body! Now let me be clear, this doesn’t mean you have to get up and run five miles.

Something as simple as just going for a quick five-minute walk or doing some easy stretches. Just something to wake up all your muscles in your body.

Exercise releases the hormone Epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) into your bloodstream. This increases your heart rate and allows for more blood to flow to your heart. More blood flow means a larger amount of oxygen is being delivered to your muscles.

Takeaway: Exercise releases Epinephrine providing more oxygen to your muscles

4.) Fuel your body with nutrients

nutritious breakfast

Breakfast is such an important part of your day. It provides our bodies with calories and energy we will need in order to have a successful day. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology states skipping breakfast is tied to a greater risk of heart-related death.

What you consume at the start of your day plays a major role in how you feel. Start your day by consuming healthy breakfast foods that will provide you with essential nutrients such as fruits, vegetables, grains, or legumes. You can also take natural supplements or vitamins to give your body some extra fuel.

cayenne ginger lemonade recipe

This anti-oxidant rich, immune-boosting, and blood purifying Cayenne Ginger Lemonade is my go-to wake me up juice. It awakens my senses and leaves me feeling energized.

Takeaway: Fuel your body with nutrients

5.) Rejuvenate yourself

rejuvenate white towel

After a sweaty workout or quick walk, your body needs some rejuvenation. Time for some morning self-care! Try taking a cold shower to reduce inflammatory pain and stimulate circulation.

After your shower, top off your morning rejuvenation with a quick face steamer sesh. Steaming your face will open pores and allow any serums or lotions to penetrate at a deeper layer. This evens complexion and brings out your glow.

Below we’ve attached our #1 recommended and affordable face steamer.

Takeaway: Cleanse your body and energy

6.) Dress for success

dress for success

So far you’ve taken time to chill out, cleansed your internals of toxins, awakened your physical body, fueled up with nutrients, and rejuvenated yourself. Almsot done! Now its time to dress like you’re going to take over the day. Watch out world here you come.

Through on an outfit that makes you feel good. It could be leggings and a crop top, jeans and a blouse, or even an over sized tee and sport shorts. Whatever makes you feel confident, put it on. When we feel good we are more likely to do good!

Takeaway: Use confidence to empower you

7.) Make your bed

make your bed morning routine

Believe it or not, making your bed is a crucial part of the best morning routine. Its a simple act that kicks your day off with the accomplishment of a task.

In a Youtube video, Navy Seal Adm. McRaven shares the importance of making your bed every day. He says, “If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day”.

Takeaway: Don’t be lazy…make your bed

8.) Organize for success

organize for success

If you obsess over perfection and organization, this one is for you. If not, this one is still for you because it will change your life.

In order to have a productive and successful day, we must plan for it. Having a general direction of what you want to accomplish and get done will help you achieve anything you desire.

Google Calendar and Calendly are two trending scheduling apps used for time management and planning. Aim for planning out your whole day including any daily tasks, meetings, grocery store stops, or relaxing moments. This will keep you on track throughout the day.

Takeaway: Utilize schedule/time management apps

9.) Set 3 achievable goals

set goals morning routine

Traditional goal setting is great and all. But what good is a goal that isn’t achievable? Setting three achievable goals for the day holds you accountable to accomplishing each one.

These three goals can range from personal goals to wellness goals to business goals. Maybe you want to speak only words of kindness all day. Maybe you want to only consume healing foods for the day. Maybe you want to network with minimum 50 people to grow your business.

The possibilities are endless! Just choose three you know you can achieve today.

Takeaway: Hold yourself accountable

10.) Flow through the day with gratitude

high vibes morning routine

Congrats, you are officially ready to take on the day! Your mind-body connection is thriving and you are ready to handle anything the world throws at you today.

Remember to remain grateful for this beautiful morning and remaining hours you get to experience. Each day is truly a blessing, so flow through the day with gratitude. Keep the vibes high.

The Ultimate Third Eye Chakra Guide

The Ultimate Third Eye Chakra Guide


Your Third Eye Chakra is the sixth energy center located in the space between your eyebrows. The third eye is responsible for your reality, thought, manifestation and intuition.

third eye chakra location on body

Color: Indigo


third eye chakra symbol

Location: Between eyebrows

Mantra: SHAM (I see)

Element: Mind and light

It is said that this third eye energy center is actually a doorway towards spiritual enlightenment when in balance with the rest of the energy centers. When your third eye chakra is activated, it allows for greater awareness, astral travel, vivid dreaming, psychic powers, and creativity.

If you are experiencing trouble concentrating, headaches, poor memory, denial, inflexible thinking, excessive fantasizing, nightmares, obsessions, or delusion you are showing indications of an unbalanced third eye chakra.

If you are feeling insightful, keen in intuition, imaginative, have a guiding vision for life, have good dream recall, and are able to see the big picture you have indications of a balanced third eye chakra.

What Causes a Third Eye Chakra Blockage?

The most common culprits to a blocked Third Eye Chakra are toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs, and chemically processed foods. Or, on the more mental side, if you are fearful of the unknown and have a hard time gripping reality.

Toxic substances make it hard to connect with your higher self thus resulting in an imbalanced third eye.

Balancing and Healing Ajna

Opening and cleansing your Third Eye Chakra allows you to establish a higher awareness and spiritual insight.

This can be done by eating certain foods, listening to certain sounds, utilizing certain smells and other holistic remedies. Below are remedies recommended for opening your Third Eye Chakra.

Third Eye Chakra Foods

Consuming the following can allow your Third Eye Chakra to become cleansed and opened.

  • Plums
  • Prunes
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Nuts
  • Flaxseed
  • Dark chocolate chips
  • Eggplant
  • Purple Kale

This chakra thrives on brain food. Consuming foods that are nutrient-rich and benefit your brain will allow this your third eye to become more aligned.

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Third Eye Chakra Herbs

dried blue lotus petals

Blue Lotus: Aids in the transition to the lucid dream state of sleep, calms the nervous system

Holy Basil: Supports the immune system, relieves anxiety, an important herb in the tradition of Ayurveda for the mind, body, and spirit

Mugwort: Relieves insomnia, associated with the moon and can be used for smudging, strengthens astral projection

Celastrus Seed: Reduces cholesterol, stimulate intellect and sharpening of memory

Third Eye Chakra Essential Oils

third eye essential oil vile

Frankincense: Considered a sacred oil and contains anti-depressant properties

Rose: Used in traditional medicines of China and India, rich in vitamin C, contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties

Jasmine: Boosts skin health, reduces hormone-related problems (such as PMS)

Patchouli: Used in traditional Asian medicine, promotes the growth of new skin cells, contains germ-fighting benefits, anointing oil to promote love, wealth and compassion

To use Third Eye Chakra oils, put a few drops on your hands and smooth the oil on your wrists and neck.

I always stick with Young Living essential oils when purchasing any healing oils, as I have personally received the most benefit through them. This has been the only brand where I can physically feel the oil healing my skin it comes in contact with. Not to mention the aroma is not too strong but not mild enough where it fades after 30 minutes.

Purchasing a cheap six-dollar essential oil from your local drug store will do you more harm than good in this case, trust me based on experience. Oils like these are most likely just fragrance and will bring you no healing properties, only harsh chemicals on your skin.

Below are a few trusted essential oils if you are on a tight budget but looking for something safe and beneficial.

Use this insightful essential oil blend to stimulate your senses and awaken your intuition.


“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering the quiet that is already there.”

Deepak Chopra
meditating outline graphic image

One of the most simple ways to balance your chakras is through meditation. Meditation connects you to a higher spiritual realm. Connecting to your conscious and higher self through meditation is essential to becoming grounded and in the moment.

While meditating, imagine a purple glowing essence forming in between your brows and emanating all throughout the rest of your body.

Find stillness and peace within your mind. You can repeat mantras to yourself reaffirming things that will make you feel safe and grounded such as:

  • I see clearly
  • I trust my decisions
  • I know reality
  • I trust in my abilities
  • I am connected to the Divine
  • I invite sacred transformation
  • I always honor my intuition

Below is a few Third Eye Chakra sounds you can listen to in order to enhance your meditation through isochronic tones. (You can learn more about these tones and the healing properties on the mind in my post here).

During meditation, it is more beneficial to incorporate third eye chakra healing stones and oils to allow your chakra to become open and balanced.

Mudra for Third Eye Chakra Meditation

third eye chakra mudra

Yoga poses

To furthermore enhance the opening of this chakra, you can allow energy to flow freely to your third eye chakra through the following yoga poses.

  • Eagle Pose
  • Forward Bend
  • Downward Dog
  • Childs Pose
  • Fish Pose

Healing Crystals and Gemstones

Carrying and meditating with crystals can aid in the opening and balancing of this energy center.

third eye chakra healing stones

Mindfulness is Key

Most importantly, when trying to balance any chakra, mindfulness will always be key. Take time to slow down and analyze how your mind and body feel. Being mindful and implementing holistic remedies will allow your Third Eye Chakra to become restored with balance.

Other articles in this series:

How to Make Golden Milk

How to Make Golden Milk

Golden milk may be a new concept to many, although it is rapidly gaining its popularity in many coffee and tea shops.

What Is Golden Milk?

Golden milk is basically a fancy name for the combination of turmeric and milk. There are many reasons for people consuming this drink, most being for health benefits.

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Turmeric is known for its vast amount of health benefits including reducing inflammation, making your heart stronger, protecting your nervous system, and promoting anti-oxidant/anti-microbial properties in your body.



  • Turmeric
  • Almond milk (or oat milk, cashew milk, whatever milk preferred)
  • cinnamon


1.) Warm up milk in microwave for approximately 1 and a half minutes

2.) Stir in 1 tbsp. of turmeric

3.) (Optional) Sprinkle cinnamon on top and enjoy!

This recipe is quite simple making it a great drink to enjoy when waking up or before going to bed. Turmeric is actually used in the practice of Ayurveda to calm the stomach after meals. Consuming turmeric on the daily can be very beneficial to your health, and I strongly encourage you all to look deeper into this!

You can also play around with it and add in extra ingredients for flavor, for example sometimes I add in cloves to give it more taste.

The Power of Herbs

The Power of Herbs

We’ve all heard of herbs before, but did you know that these naturally occurring creations can actually boost our health? Many herbs possess healing properties and can assist in psychological health, anti-inflammatory properties, alleviating pain, promoting healthy skin, fighting against bacterial infections, and much more.

The AMAZING Health Benefits

I started using herbs as a part of my daily life when I found out all the AMAZING benefits I could receive from them. I purchased a book called Sacred Herbs in Sedona, Arizona at a local crystal shop. The aesthetically pleasing cover is what originally drew me to look at the book, but when I started briefly skimming the pages, I was so intrigued. Reading this book allowed me to discover numerous ways to use herbs in my everyday health (this book is where I got all the following information, shout out to Opal Streisand!)

Here are a few of my favorite herbs and their healing properties:

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Back in ancient times, Rosemary was believed to memory strengthening properties and was an emblem of fidelity.

Rosemary can be taken to aid colds, flu, headaches, and fatigue. A nice warm Rosemary tea is my favorite way to consume this herb.

How to Use:

Making an infusion is a great way to use Rosemary in its healing properties. An infusion is when boiling water is poured over fresh or dried leaves of an herb allowing the water to absorb the oils and flavors from the herbs.

After they finish steeping, the water is then strained and used to consume for the healing properties. Tea is a very common form of infusion.

Infusions are a more natural way to consume herbs rather than swallowing capsules or tablets.


This herb is most commonly known for its sensational aroma and is used around the world for the beautiful smell.

It can also provide many healing properties if used properly. Oils from the lavender leaves calm the stomach and nerves in your body. The oil can also help soothe mosquito bites! Applied externally, it can act as a stimulant and ease pain.

How to Use:

Making tea is the easiest way to take advantage of lavender’s healing properties. Due to its calming properties, I like to enjoy the tea right before bed.

Another way to use lavender is through oil form by applying it on the skin.

Sweet Basil

This herb is known to actually reduce the inflammation and itching if applied externally.

Oil extracted from the plant can be used to relieve stress, strain, and ease exhaustion.

This herb is also beneficial in being used to aid in sleep and relieve congestion.

How to Use:

If you want to use Sweet Basil to help with inflammation or itching, it is best to rub crushed leaves on the problem area.

A tea can also be consumed to promote sleep and relieve congestion.


The flower from this herb can be used in many ways to benefit your health, one of my favorite benefits being its anti-inflammatory properties.

Chamomile is also known for its calming effect helping with insomnia and easing heartburn.

Last but not least, it can be used to soothe coughs and cold by inhaling the steam from a tea containing the herb.

How to Use:

Brewing chamomile tea via the flowers is the best way to soothe coughs or colds.

The steam that comes from the tea should be inhaled, as it will ease the nasal passageways and throat.

Drinking chamomile tea is a way you can retain the health benefits if you are aiming to help insomnia and heartburn.


Chamomile can be used to highlight hair if the oils area extracted and mixed with shampoo.


Amla is an Indian fruit that derives from Nepal. This is my absolute favorite tea to prepare as it contains MAJOR health benefits.

This fruit contains Vitamin C, Iron, and Calcium making it highly nutrient-rich.

Its natural properties allow for it to be a great body heat reducer.

This amazing fruit also reduces the doshas (used in Ayurveda). By reducing all three doshas, your body reduces the potential of disease and illness.

How to use:

Amla can be used in many different ways one of them being dried. In its dried form, it can be drank in tea form.

I would recommend purchasing herbs at local farmers’ markets or herbal shops, as some products carried in stores are overpriced. When purchasing local, you have the option to buy as much or as little as possible!