Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse of May 2021 Sparks Revelations

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse of May 2021 Sparks Revelations

The Moon is Full in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021, at 7:14 AM EDT. This is the first Total Lunar Eclipse of the year, bringing an explosion of emotions to the surface. This month, the Full Moon will be a “Blood Supermoon“, the second of two supermoons in the year of 2021.

A supermoon occurs when the Moon is in close proximity to Earth. Any Full Moon that is within 90 percent of pedigree is considered a Supermoon.

What does this eclipse have in store for us?

The Full Moon rises in the adventurous sign of Sagittarius. This energy will challenge us to reflect on how far we have come and open our eyes to the wider picture. This moon is the first lunar eclipse of the year, bringing every zodiac a sense of new direction. Eclipses in astrology tend to bring sudden shocks and revelations.

Embrace the free-spirited energy that lingers in the air as this Full Moon takes place. Focus on the big picture ahead and take some time to set deep intentions on where your energy should flow from now on.

More on Astrology…

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse of May 2021 Sparks Revelations

See what this month’s Lunar Eclipse has in store for your zodiac.

This Full Moon in Scorpio is Going to Be Intense

Letting go is how we glow up-with this Full Moon, there will be lots of that.

Discovering Your Purpose Through Human Design with Graciela Rasor

Your destiny is written in the stars…literally. Graciela Rasor explains the relatively new system of self-discovery: Human Design.

Spirituality and Your Health Explained by Cosmic Interpreter

Alyssa Ostrander gives us all the juicy deets on the relationship between spirituality and your health.

The Ultimate Third Eye Chakra Guide

Ajna Your Third Eye Chakra is the sixth energy center located in the space between your eyebrows. The third eye is responsible for your reality, thought, manifestation and intuition. Ajna Color: Indigo Symbol: Location: Between eyebrows Mantra: SHAM (I see) Element:...

The Energy Behind Each Day of the Week

Have you ever noticed how each day of the week we encounter, we tend to feel different emotions towards? Typically each day of the week has a feeling or emotion associated with it. For example, most people dread Mondays and most look forward to Fridays. Why is this?...

Full Moon Energy: How to Work With It

The concept of a full moon is widely known, but few are aware of the heightened full moon energy. This energy is substantially more powerful than that of other moon phases. It allows the mind, body, and spirit to express things in a more amplified state. Since Ancient...

How to Utilize the Power of the New Moon

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This Full Moon in Scorpio is Going to Be Intense

This Full Moon in Scorpio is Going to Be Intense

On April 26th late at night, there will be a Full Moon in Scorpio. This zodiac is noted for its inability to change, need for intimacy, and strong intensity. With the intensity of this zodiac in the Full Moon energy, we can expect whatever has been bubbling under the surface for us to quickly come to fruition whether you are ready for it or not.

This is a great time to take note of what you need to let go of and what you are able to manifest in the next coming weeks. What really matters? Where is your energy flow directed?

Full Moon Energy for Your Zodiac

full moon in scorpio zodiac symbols


Allow this Full Moon to be the emotional release you have been needing for some time. Confide in a well-trusted friend if you need support. The more secrets you are keeping from others, the harder it will be for them to show up for you when you need it. 


During this time you are being called to let go of past relationships you may still think about or have feelings for. Openness is key during this time. Don’t hesitate to express your feelings with loved ones who you may be upset with. 


This Full Moon is begging you to be mindful of your daily habits. Now is the time to be brutally honest with yourself in order to evolve. Recognize what is and isn’t working and let that sh*t go, babe.


Time to express yourself! If you have an idea write it down and remember, nothing is a stupid idea. Don’t fear failing, as sometimes all it takes is some trial and error. 


Have you felt like you’ve had extreme baggage recently? Well, you’re right. Are you ready to let go? Consider allowing yourself to do some deep cleaning physically and mentally. Goodwill is always a good option for a spring cleaning.


After this Full Moon, there’s no holding you back, Virgo. Typically, you keep thoughts and opinions in your head, unwilling to let others know. Choose to speak up this during and after this Full Moon and reap the benefits.


During this time you are being called to reexamine some of your values and morals. Take time to be mindful of what you are holding on to and why. Are you bringing things into your life that cause you harm in any way shape or form? 


Welcome to your time of evolvement. During this time you are shedding your old skin and molding into the new and improved you. Celebrate this time by getting a haircut, trying a new style, or treating yourself to a facial. Listen to your intuitive voice.


Now is a good time to tune into your guides and highest self. The Universe may be trying to present some deeply hidden secrets to you. Be aware and mindful while listening to your intuition.


Step out of your comfort zone and speak up during and after this Full Moon. Consider doing some throat chakra work to spark this activation. Even though it may feel different to do so, great achievements are always on the other side of fear.


You possess many talents that those around you honor and appreciate. You also have a keen talent for networking. Now is time to utilize that talent to be a grand connector to those all around you.


You have a beautiful fountain of knowledge in your mind just waiting to be shared. Consider taking action and sharing your valuable insight with the community. The knowledge you have can change the world and your life.

Discovering Your Purpose Through Human Design with Graciela Rasor

Discovering Your Purpose Through Human Design with Graciela Rasor

Picture this: you’re mid-conversation and this phrase comes up…”Oh babe, it was written in the stars“. Ever heard this phrase? Well fun fact, its true and quite frankly more than just an old saying. We had the opportunity to talk to certified Human Design expert Graciela Rasor. In our conversations, Rasor tells us about how Human Design plays a role in our lives.

The system of Human Design is a relatively new practice of self-discovery. This new system derives from astrology, Kabbalah, the Chinese I Ching, and the chakra system. Incorporating this new system can bring clarity to your purpose and sense of Self. We asked Rasor how she got into the subject considering it is a relatively new concept.

Discovering Human Design

“I found Human Design, like so many do, when I was feeling burnt out and a little lost. I recognized it as a system that could help me find out who I really was at my core, under all the BS that I’d picked up in the world. It didn’t let me down. As I continued to study it and fall more in love with the way it called for a full expression of self, I decided that I could no longer keep Human Design to myself and dove into the process of becoming a reader”.

“Opening up to my spiritual side was the gateway to strengthening my connection with my intuition and Spirit, working with clients and going deeper into transformational energy healing work”.

“I recognized it as a system that could help me find out who I really was at my core, under all the BS that I’d picked up in the world”.

human design website cover graciela

This strong passion for helping others utilize their energetic makeup led Rasor to develop her own Human Design reading business. Check it out here. In our discussion with our Human Design expert, we find out everything we need to know about self-discovery and your overall wellness.

Why is human design so important?

“Knowing your Human Design will help you find the courage to show up as the fully embodied and expressed version of you that you were always meant to be. We all experience conditioning growing up – whether that’s from loving parents, well-meaning teachers or society – that governs how we show up in the world”.

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This week we talked about the big things you’re holding onto that aren’t serving you: people pleasing, working too hard, trying to be for everyone, etc…⠀ ⠀ But let’s take a sec to look at the teeny tiny things in your life that don’t feel good. Because they add up too.⠀ ⠀ Are you holding onto a pair of jeans that don’t feel good on your stomach? What about those “sweet” letters from your ex that remind you of a time you didn’t feel powerful?⠀ ⠀ Let’s go even smaller: have a smelly sponge sitting on the sink that’s bumming you out? A library full of screenshots that gives you that annoying “storage almost full” notification? A bunch of tech stuff from your old job?⠀ ⠀ For me, the teeny tiny thing that felt out of alignment was my journal.⠀ ⠀ I was an avid journaler — until I got my last journal. I REALLY love a spiral bound journal, but I chose a book bound journal because it had a pretty watercolor vibe and a cute “just breathe” quote in gold on the front. Every time I opened it, I’d find myself forcing one side of the page down, holding my hand in an awkward way to write and pining for the day when I’d get to put this journal down and pick up one with those sweet, sweet spirals.⠀ ⠀ Why did I feel like I couldn’t call it quits with that journal and just start on a new one? Probably the idea that if you don’t finish what you start, it’s wasteful, irresponsible or just plain naughty.⠀ ⠀ You see, these big and little things that we’re holding onto all intertwine to create massive systems keeping us stuck in situations that feel bad.⠀ ⠀ Everything in your life is an invitation to step back into alignment and ease. Start making the small choices that unclog your energetic pool and watch the rest fall into place.⠀ ⠀ If this post inspired you to clean out that pool and step into alignment, leave a 🙌 in the comments!

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“Sometimes that conditioning tells us that we’re too much or that we shouldn’t be so sensitive or that we’re flaky, and then we adjust accordingly to find acceptance from our peers. The problem is that, when we contort our souls in that way, we rob the world of seeing our innate gifts and qualities and we rob ourselves of sharing them. Learning your Human Design is the first step to getting back to you and starting to shed all that conditioning“.

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that knowing my Human Design has changed my life”.

Graciela Rasor

“Human Design has given me permission to be and express all that I am, and acceptance of the ways that I operate outside of societal norms. I love giving this permission slip to the clients I read for too — but the secret is that they’re really giving it to themselves!

Is there a misconception behind wellness?

“Unfortunately, Instagram has gotten in my head and the first things I see when I think of wellness are green juices, white sand beaches, perfect tans, and workout videos (all things I love BTW!). But when I go deeper and tune into my heart, I know that wellness isn’t about an aesthetic — it’s about how you feel.”.

Green juice smoothie

“We as a culture love a quick fix, and sometimes we fall into the trap of assuming wellness can be a quick fix too. We think that ONE juice cleanse will get our gut health back on track, ONE reiki session will balance our chakras forever, ONE class will change our lives. And while it’s possible to have a profoundly transformative experience in a very short amount of time using these teachings and healing modalities, it’s called a “practice” for a reason. Committing to your health and wellness practice means showing up for it as often as you can even when it feels less than glamorous. That’s where you see the real transformation happens”.

Any tips you have for balancing overall wellness through Human Design?

“Choose what feels right for you in every moment. In Human Design, we make aligned decisions using our Strategy and Authority, which you can find highlighted in your chart. Even if you don’t know those specific elements of yourself, you can still tune into the inner voice that you have and ask it what feels right — not what feels right from a ‘should’ perspective, but what feels right in your core”.

“The key is that we all need to get out of our heads more and start tuning into the wisdom of our own bodies to make these choices”.

It is important for the harmony between mind, body, and spirit to be flowing and functioning. How do you recommend protecting your energy?

“You have to start putting you first. It’s not being selfish, it’s recognizing that your energy is precious and limited”. It requires being vigilant about where you’re spending your energy and choosing to spend it doing the things that feel good as often as you can.”

protect your energy with graciela rasor

Some questions you can ask yourself:

1.) What can you say no to that would feel like a weight being lifted off your shoulders?

2.) What’s something you said yes to that’s dragging you down and feeling really icky in your body?

“Living like that requires a lot of kind and conscious “no’s.” Make no your favorite word!”

When you find your energy low, or feel overwhelmed, what is the first step you do to combat that?

“The first step is to lighten my load — I ask myself what tasks and projects can be deprioritized so that I can take time to sit with my own thoughts and feelings. The funny thing about feelings is that, when you actually let yourself feel them, they tend to pass pretty quickly.”

“If I’m still feeling funky, I’ll do some energy work on myself while listening to something relaxing (this playlist is a great one). Also, NATURE. We can never underestimate the power of nature to put us in a good mood, even if that’s just standing in a little patch of sun outside your office like I used to do in the concrete jungle of NYC”.

To sum things up, Human Design is a relatively new form of self-discovery that can aid in your spiritual growth. If you are interested in learning more about applying this practice in your life, you can visit Rasor’s website and explore her services.

Visit Graciela’s Rasor’s website

We asked Rasor one final question before we wrapped our juicy wellness talk up.

Is there anything you have learned on your journey that you wish you could go back and tell your old self? 

“That fruit loop flavored vodka and 5 inch stilettos are never a good mix! But seriously, what wouldn’t I tell my younger self? I’d tell her that it’s cool to take time alone to curl up with a good book. That life is meant to be lived in a way that feels good and makes you feel good about yourself, and that looks different for everyone.

That creativity is pure joy and something to prioritize. That romance takes work, other women are allies not enemies, showing up matters more than anything else, boss lady pantsuits are overrated. And that magic is real and part of every single one of us.

Wellness means having the freedom to live your life in a way that feels good to your body, mind and soul. It can be as simple or as esoteric and wild as you want it to be, because it’s all about YOU.

Graciela Rasor

Spirituality and Your Health Explained by Cosmic Interpreter

Spirituality and Your Health Explained by Cosmic Interpreter

Modern society oftentimes tends to disregard the spiritual aspect of your health. Refusing to acknowledge this could potentially lead to problems in your emotional, mental, and physical health in the long run. Fortunately, the concept of mental, spiritual, and physical health as one is growing. With the growth of spirituality comes much confusion on what exactly the term entails. So how are spirituality and your health are related?

We spoke with Cosmic Interpreter Alyssa Ostrander to unravel the relationship between the two. Through Ostrander’s 30 years of knowledge in the subject, we find out why spiritualty is key in our health. In the past years, Ostrander has studied astrology, Tarot, and numerology.

alyssa ostrander and spiritual health

Spirituality and Your Health

Spirituality allows us to maintain a sense of connection and purpose throughout life. It helps us comprehend the impermanence of life. During challenging times of your life, you may have resorted to prayer, journaling, or meditation. Each of these are ways of invoking clarity and peace.

spirituality and your health journaling

As humans, we feel the need to search for guidance and clarity throughout life. Getting into spiritual practice fulfills this and provides a solid foundation for good health and well-being. Who doesn’t love a little peace and clarity in their lives?

“Spirituality in its truth is the essence that moves through life, with each breath, all of nature, and every creative expression.”

Alyssa Ostrander

The Importance of a Strong Spiritual Connection

Incorporating spirituality in your life can optimize your health on various levels. We asked Ostrander why she believes spirituality is so important and what the hype is about.

What is the core purpose of growing your spirituality?

“Spirituality helps counter the messaging that we’re here to prove we’re in control. Spirituality allows us to understand that we’re here to connect with all that we are. And in knowing, it raises our energy, and it cascades like a waterfall of miracles to help others”.

“Spiritual connection is our opportunity to cherish. We don’t have to submit to anything to be ‘spiritual’, we only need to fully BE our full selves by opening to all the possibilities of the universe”.

What are some physical and mental health benefits to spirituality?

spirituality and your health balance

“Spirituality helps to understand the impermanence of life. All of this is changing. And that can be comforting for those who have been wounded by physical events. Spirituality in its best form brings balance to life”.

“Too much of anything can be negative. Spirituality gives meaning to physical existence. It helps sustain the urge to keep trying to find a way to grow, and understand your purpose in this life.” Ostrander also explains how speaking sounds that transmit high frequencies connects you to the spiritual essence of what is. “This is how physical reality can be altered.  By bringing in higher energy, you can bring in the good that you couldn’t yet fathom“.

How has embracing spirituality and astrology helped you overcome hardships?

“When the physical goes wrong, we seek another way. This is the blessing of hardship. You surrender to more because you have to. And when that’s answered, you know for sure there’s more than the physicality around you”. 

“The planets can be counted on to be at a certain place at a definite time to tell the story of what’s going on”.

Tapping Into Your Spirituality

Maybe you’ve read multiple articles on spirituality or have been thinking a lot about it recently. Well you are here reading this for a reason. Now is the time to act on your intuition.

spirituality clouds and light

Ostrander gives us tips to starting your spiritual journey and the benefits of doing so.

Many people believe you are required to do certain things to be “spiritual”. What would you say to individuals who feel they don’t fit the “spiritual” stereotype?

“There’s no real stereotype. Just as you are unique and no one else is like you, your relationship with spirit will also always be unique”.

What tips would you give someone who wanted to get into spirituality? 

breath and spirituality

“Start with noticing your breath. Breath is your spiritual conduit and your breath has a lot to share about where you are at this moment. From there, [ask] the questions that arise. Spirituality is really very simple! It’s about being you. How can you fully allow your breath to breathe you?”

“All the answers you want to know are right there if you pose the questions”.

What would you say is the most important aspect of having a strong spiritual practice? 

“You said it. PRACTICE. Consistency. Daily living. Impeccable words. Watch what you say. Notice what you’re feeling. When you fall off, start again”.

What are your go-to spiritual rituals and why do you perform them? 

ganesh spirituality

“I’m a big believer in the power of affirmations and mantra. Both cultivate the power of intention through vibration, which is what everything is, at its most basic level. Affirmations and mantras attune you to the greater possibilities“.

Ostrander says she has had a daily mantra practice to Ganesh and Kali for years. “Mantras and the various affirmations I choose, put me in the right space for me to do my work”.

Ostrander explains her spiritual journey

It wasn’t until I made some decisions that put me in a dangerous place, and there was no one else to help me, except my unseen helpers, to show me the way. Astrology showed me the roots of my family life and the talents I had the potential to develop. It also showed me it would be a long road. And indeed it has been. 

I wasn’t able to fully commit to doing astrology readings as my sole income until 33 years later, in 2015. But it turned out to become a 16-year phase that pushed me deep into learning everything I could know about astrology, intuition, various paths, and my connection to spirit. 

The Ultimate Third Eye Chakra Guide

The Ultimate Third Eye Chakra Guide


Your Third Eye Chakra is the sixth energy center located in the space between your eyebrows. The third eye is responsible for your reality, thought, manifestation and intuition.

third eye chakra location on body

Color: Indigo


third eye chakra symbol

Location: Between eyebrows

Mantra: SHAM (I see)

Element: Mind and light

It is said that this third eye energy center is actually a doorway towards spiritual enlightenment when in balance with the rest of the energy centers. When your third eye chakra is activated, it allows for greater awareness, astral travel, vivid dreaming, psychic powers, and creativity.

If you are experiencing trouble concentrating, headaches, poor memory, denial, inflexible thinking, excessive fantasizing, nightmares, obsessions, or delusion you are showing indications of an unbalanced third eye chakra.

If you are feeling insightful, keen in intuition, imaginative, have a guiding vision for life, have good dream recall, and are able to see the big picture you have indications of a balanced third eye chakra.

What Causes a Third Eye Chakra Blockage?

The most common culprits to a blocked Third Eye Chakra are toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs, and chemically processed foods. Or, on the more mental side, if you are fearful of the unknown and have a hard time gripping reality.

Toxic substances make it hard to connect with your higher self thus resulting in an imbalanced third eye.

Balancing and Healing Ajna

Opening and cleansing your Third Eye Chakra allows you to establish a higher awareness and spiritual insight.

This can be done by eating certain foods, listening to certain sounds, utilizing certain smells and other holistic remedies. Below are remedies recommended for opening your Third Eye Chakra.

Third Eye Chakra Foods

Consuming the following can allow your Third Eye Chakra to become cleansed and opened.

  • Plums
  • Prunes
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Nuts
  • Flaxseed
  • Dark chocolate chips
  • Eggplant
  • Purple Kale

This chakra thrives on brain food. Consuming foods that are nutrient-rich and benefit your brain will allow this your third eye to become more aligned.

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Third Eye Chakra Herbs

dried blue lotus petals

Blue Lotus: Aids in the transition to the lucid dream state of sleep, calms the nervous system

Holy Basil: Supports the immune system, relieves anxiety, an important herb in the tradition of Ayurveda for the mind, body, and spirit

Mugwort: Relieves insomnia, associated with the moon and can be used for smudging, strengthens astral projection

Celastrus Seed: Reduces cholesterol, stimulate intellect and sharpening of memory

Third Eye Chakra Essential Oils

third eye essential oil vile

Frankincense: Considered a sacred oil and contains anti-depressant properties

Rose: Used in traditional medicines of China and India, rich in vitamin C, contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties

Jasmine: Boosts skin health, reduces hormone-related problems (such as PMS)

Patchouli: Used in traditional Asian medicine, promotes the growth of new skin cells, contains germ-fighting benefits, anointing oil to promote love, wealth and compassion

To use Third Eye Chakra oils, put a few drops on your hands and smooth the oil on your wrists and neck.

I always stick with Young Living essential oils when purchasing any healing oils, as I have personally received the most benefit through them. This has been the only brand where I can physically feel the oil healing my skin it comes in contact with. Not to mention the aroma is not too strong but not mild enough where it fades after 30 minutes.

Purchasing a cheap six-dollar essential oil from your local drug store will do you more harm than good in this case, trust me based on experience. Oils like these are most likely just fragrance and will bring you no healing properties, only harsh chemicals on your skin.

Below are a few trusted essential oils if you are on a tight budget but looking for something safe and beneficial.

Use this insightful essential oil blend to stimulate your senses and awaken your intuition.


“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering the quiet that is already there.”

Deepak Chopra

meditating outline graphic image

One of the most simple ways to balance your chakras is through meditation. Meditation connects you to a higher spiritual realm. Connecting to your conscious and higher self through meditation is essential to becoming grounded and in the moment.

While meditating, imagine a purple glowing essence forming in between your brows and emanating all throughout the rest of your body.

Find stillness and peace within your mind. You can repeat mantras to yourself reaffirming things that will make you feel safe and grounded such as:

  • I see clearly
  • I trust my decisions
  • I know reality
  • I trust in my abilities
  • I am connected to the Divine
  • I invite sacred transformation
  • I always honor my intuition

Below is a few Third Eye Chakra sounds you can listen to in order to enhance your meditation through isochronic tones. (You can learn more about these tones and the healing properties on the mind in my post here).

During meditation, it is more beneficial to incorporate third eye chakra healing stones and oils to allow your chakra to become open and balanced.

Mudra for Third Eye Chakra Meditation

third eye chakra mudra

Yoga poses

To furthermore enhance the opening of this chakra, you can allow energy to flow freely to your third eye chakra through the following yoga poses.

  • Eagle Pose
  • Forward Bend
  • Downward Dog
  • Childs Pose
  • Fish Pose

Healing Crystals and Gemstones

Carrying and meditating with crystals can aid in the opening and balancing of this energy center.

third eye chakra healing stones

Mindfulness is Key

Most importantly, when trying to balance any chakra, mindfulness will always be key. Take time to slow down and analyze how your mind and body feel. Being mindful and implementing holistic remedies will allow your Third Eye Chakra to become restored with balance.

Other articles in this series:

The Energy Behind Each Day of the Week

The Energy Behind Each Day of the Week

Have you ever noticed how each day of the week we encounter, we tend to feel different emotions towards? Typically each day of the week has a feeling or emotion associated with it. For example, most people dread Mondays and most look forward to Fridays. Why is this? There is actual energy behind each day of the week.

Each day possesses its own special vibration. This vibration is influenced by the ruling celestial bodies at the moment, your own personal vibration, and your mindset.

Back in Ancient Roman times, each day was named relating to the planets or other celestial bodies. These correlate to the energy behind each day of the week in which the names meant “day of” and the ruling celestial body for that day as follows:

  • Dies Soles (day of the sun)
  • Dias Lunes (day of the moon)
  • Dies Martis (day of Mars)
  • Dies Mercurri (day of Mercury)
  • Dies Iovis (day of Jupiter)
  • Dies Veneris (day of Venus)
  • Dies Saturni (day of Saturn)

Each day was unique and made to utilize the energy of the ruling celestial body that day.

To this day, the planet and energetic connection still holds true for each day of the week. You can use this energy in order to flow through life easier and remain in control of your life.

Master your day master your life. In order to have a good year, you need good months. In order to have a good month, you need good weeks. In order to have good weeks, you need good days.

Here is the energy behind each day of the week

Monday’s Energetic Tone

The ruling celestial body for Monday is the Moon. This allows us to access our full potential and set intentions for the week ahead.

Mondays often get a bad reputation and are dreaded as the most challenging day being the beginning of the week.

The reason for it being so “dreaded” is due to the stirring of our emotions causing us to be moody and upset. If Monday’s seem challenging to you, there may be some underlying emotional energy you are having a difficult time dealing with.

On the other hand, Mondays can also bring about positive energy and motivation. If we have a positive mindset and feel good about our lives, Mondays can help us move forward in a positive mindset for the rest of the week.

Drink plenty of water on this special day and take time to ground yourself with deep breathing or even just taking two minutes to close your eyes if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Tuesday’s Energetic Tone

Mars, the planet of action and energy rules the day of Tuesday. This makes it a great day for accomplishing things.

Tuesday is all about using Monday’s set tone to take action. This day is great for progressing with projects and getting ahead.

The energy of Tuesday can help you move forward and evolve in all areas of your life. Get clear about what exactly you want and take action to make it happen.

Mars energy allows us to use our passions to take action on our goals, dreams, and desires whether they be short or long term.

Wednesday’s Energetic Tone

Mercury, the planet of communication and expression, rules Wednesday thus controlling its energy. This day is the perfect time to establish what you want, how you will get there, and where you are heading.

With this being the case, it makes Wednesday a great day for scheduling meetings, important calls, or events. Mercury rules the higher mind, so new ideas and creativity flourish on this day.

Wednesday is the midpoint of the week, so it is a key day to checking in with ourselves and making sure we are paying attention to our needs and emotions. Check-in with your inner self and make sure everything you’re putting out into the Universe is what you desire.

Thursday’s Energetic Tone

Thursday is ruled by positive and expansive energies from the planet Jupiter. This makes Thursday the perfect day to retain new information and expand your consciousness.

With the work week coming to a near end, Thursday is the perfect day to take care of matters that may have been lingering in the past few days.

This Jupiter-ruled day has a certain lightness to it, making it a day of positivity and gratitude. With Thursday being a consciousness expander, it is a perfect time to start or heighten spiritual practices and take care of financial matters.

To use the energy of Thursday to your absolute advantage, wake up and start your day off by feeling grateful and optimistic. This will help you attract a similar vibration and get a progressive leap forward throughout the day.

Friday’s Energetic Tone

Venus rules Friday making it the perfect day to connect with others and just relax. Venus is the ruling planet of love and creativity. Due to Venus putting us in a social mood on Friday’s, it turns out to be the perfect night for a date or to just hang out.

The creative energy of Friday also allows us to gather inspiration on any new projects we are working on. Dive into these projects whether it be planning or executing.

Friday is also a great time to give yourself some love. Indulge in yourself, pamper yourself, or update your beauty routine. Try not to schedule anything too strenuous on Friday. This energy is intended to be expended towards feelings of love and creativity.

Saturday’s Energetic Tone

Saturn is the dominating celestial body for this day. Spend some time getting organized for the week. Saturn can help us feel grounded and balanced.

This is the perfect day to organize your schedule for the upcoming week, catch up on the previous week, or plan out the day.

To use Saturday’s energy, get prepare for the week ahead. It will come much easier than you would expect it to due to the dominating Saturn energy.

Sunday’s Energetic Tone

The sun is the ruling celestial body of Sunday. This makes it a perfect day to unwind and connect with your inner self. Dive within yourself and access the inner light. Self-reflection, spiritual growth, or personal growth can replenish your soul making you feel grounded.

Sunday’s energy prepares us for the week ahead. This makes it a good day to unwind prepare your goals for the upcoming week.

Emotions will tend to feel soother and social gatherings will flow more smoothly. Try not to schedule anything of too high of energy on Sunday, as its energy is that of relaxation and inner radiance.

If you take advantage of the energy behind each day of the week and incorporate it into your own life, you will start to notice how these unique vibrations can mold your week and life.