Modern society oftentimes tends to disregard the spiritual aspect of your health. Refusing to acknowledge this could potentially lead to problems in your emotional, mental, and physical health in the long run. Fortunately, the concept of mental, spiritual, and physical health as one is growing. With the growth of spirituality comes much confusion on what exactly the term entails. So how are spirituality and your health are related?

We spoke with Cosmic Interpreter Alyssa Ostrander to unravel the relationship between the two. Through Ostrander’s 30 years of knowledge in the subject, we find out why spiritualty is key in our health. In the past years, Ostrander has studied astrology, Tarot, and numerology.

alyssa ostrander and spiritual health

Spirituality and Your Health

Spirituality allows us to maintain a sense of connection and purpose throughout life. It helps us comprehend the impermanence of life. During challenging times of your life, you may have resorted to prayer, journaling, or meditation. Each of these are ways of invoking clarity and peace.

spirituality and your health journaling

As humans, we feel the need to search for guidance and clarity throughout life. Getting into spiritual practice fulfills this and provides a solid foundation for good health and well-being. Who doesn’t love a little peace and clarity in their lives?

“Spirituality in its truth is the essence that moves through life, with each breath, all of nature, and every creative expression.”

Alyssa Ostrander

The Importance of a Strong Spiritual Connection

Incorporating spirituality in your life can optimize your health on various levels. We asked Ostrander why she believes spirituality is so important and what the hype is about.

What is the core purpose of growing your spirituality?

“Spirituality helps counter the messaging that we’re here to prove we’re in control. Spirituality allows us to understand that we’re here to connect with all that we are. And in knowing, it raises our energy, and it cascades like a waterfall of miracles to help others”.

“Spiritual connection is our opportunity to cherish. We don’t have to submit to anything to be ‘spiritual’, we only need to fully BE our full selves by opening to all the possibilities of the universe”.

What are some physical and mental health benefits to spirituality?

spirituality and your health balance

“Spirituality helps to understand the impermanence of life. All of this is changing. And that can be comforting for those who have been wounded by physical events. Spirituality in its best form brings balance to life”.

“Too much of anything can be negative. Spirituality gives meaning to physical existence. It helps sustain the urge to keep trying to find a way to grow, and understand your purpose in this life.” Ostrander also explains how speaking sounds that transmit high frequencies connects you to the spiritual essence of what is. “This is how physical reality can be altered.  By bringing in higher energy, you can bring in the good that you couldn’t yet fathom“.

How has embracing spirituality and astrology helped you overcome hardships?

“When the physical goes wrong, we seek another way. This is the blessing of hardship. You surrender to more because you have to. And when that’s answered, you know for sure there’s more than the physicality around you”. 

“The planets can be counted on to be at a certain place at a definite time to tell the story of what’s going on”.

Tapping Into Your Spirituality

Maybe you’ve read multiple articles on spirituality or have been thinking a lot about it recently. Well you are here reading this for a reason. Now is the time to act on your intuition.

spirituality clouds and light

Ostrander gives us tips to starting your spiritual journey and the benefits of doing so.

Many people believe you are required to do certain things to be “spiritual”. What would you say to individuals who feel they don’t fit the “spiritual” stereotype?

“There’s no real stereotype. Just as you are unique and no one else is like you, your relationship with spirit will also always be unique”.

What tips would you give someone who wanted to get into spirituality? 

breath and spirituality

“Start with noticing your breath. Breath is your spiritual conduit and your breath has a lot to share about where you are at this moment. From there, [ask] the questions that arise. Spirituality is really very simple! It’s about being you. How can you fully allow your breath to breathe you?”

“All the answers you want to know are right there if you pose the questions”.

What would you say is the most important aspect of having a strong spiritual practice? 

“You said it. PRACTICE. Consistency. Daily living. Impeccable words. Watch what you say. Notice what you’re feeling. When you fall off, start again”.

What are your go-to spiritual rituals and why do you perform them? 

ganesh spirituality

“I’m a big believer in the power of affirmations and mantra. Both cultivate the power of intention through vibration, which is what everything is, at its most basic level. Affirmations and mantras attune you to the greater possibilities“.

Ostrander says she has had a daily mantra practice to Ganesh and Kali for years. “Mantras and the various affirmations I choose, put me in the right space for me to do my work”.

Ostrander explains her spiritual journey

It wasn’t until I made some decisions that put me in a dangerous place, and there was no one else to help me, except my unseen helpers, to show me the way. Astrology showed me the roots of my family life and the talents I had the potential to develop. It also showed me it would be a long road. And indeed it has been. 

I wasn’t able to fully commit to doing astrology readings as my sole income until 33 years later, in 2015. But it turned out to become a 16-year phase that pushed me deep into learning everything I could know about astrology, intuition, various paths, and my connection to spirit. 

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