Picture this: you’re mid-conversation and this phrase comes up…”Oh babe, it was written in the stars“. Ever heard this phrase? Well fun fact, its true and quite frankly more than just an old saying. We had the opportunity to talk to certified Human Design expert Graciela Rasor. In our conversations, Rasor tells us about how Human Design plays a role in our lives.

The system of Human Design is a relatively new practice of self-discovery. This new system derives from astrology, Kabbalah, the Chinese I Ching, and the chakra system. Incorporating this new system can bring clarity to your purpose and sense of Self. We asked Rasor how she got into the subject considering it is a relatively new concept.

Discovering Human Design

“I found Human Design, like so many do, when I was feeling burnt out and a little lost. I recognized it as a system that could help me find out who I really was at my core, under all the BS that I’d picked up in the world. It didn’t let me down. As I continued to study it and fall more in love with the way it called for a full expression of self, I decided that I could no longer keep Human Design to myself and dove into the process of becoming a reader”.

“Opening up to my spiritual side was the gateway to strengthening my connection with my intuition and Spirit, working with clients and going deeper into transformational energy healing work”.

“I recognized it as a system that could help me find out who I really was at my core, under all the BS that I’d picked up in the world”.

human design website cover graciela

This strong passion for helping others utilize their energetic makeup led Rasor to develop her own Human Design reading business. Check it out here. In our discussion with our Human Design expert, we find out everything we need to know about self-discovery and your overall wellness.

Why is human design so important?

“Knowing your Human Design will help you find the courage to show up as the fully embodied and expressed version of you that you were always meant to be. We all experience conditioning growing up – whether that’s from loving parents, well-meaning teachers or society – that governs how we show up in the world”.

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This week we talked about the big things you’re holding onto that aren’t serving you: people pleasing, working too hard, trying to be for everyone, etc…⠀ ⠀ But let’s take a sec to look at the teeny tiny things in your life that don’t feel good. Because they add up too.⠀ ⠀ Are you holding onto a pair of jeans that don’t feel good on your stomach? What about those “sweet” letters from your ex that remind you of a time you didn’t feel powerful?⠀ ⠀ Let’s go even smaller: have a smelly sponge sitting on the sink that’s bumming you out? A library full of screenshots that gives you that annoying “storage almost full” notification? A bunch of tech stuff from your old job?⠀ ⠀ For me, the teeny tiny thing that felt out of alignment was my journal.⠀ ⠀ I was an avid journaler — until I got my last journal. I REALLY love a spiral bound journal, but I chose a book bound journal because it had a pretty watercolor vibe and a cute “just breathe” quote in gold on the front. Every time I opened it, I’d find myself forcing one side of the page down, holding my hand in an awkward way to write and pining for the day when I’d get to put this journal down and pick up one with those sweet, sweet spirals.⠀ ⠀ Why did I feel like I couldn’t call it quits with that journal and just start on a new one? Probably the idea that if you don’t finish what you start, it’s wasteful, irresponsible or just plain naughty.⠀ ⠀ You see, these big and little things that we’re holding onto all intertwine to create massive systems keeping us stuck in situations that feel bad.⠀ ⠀ Everything in your life is an invitation to step back into alignment and ease. Start making the small choices that unclog your energetic pool and watch the rest fall into place.⠀ ⠀ If this post inspired you to clean out that pool and step into alignment, leave a 🙌 in the comments!

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“Sometimes that conditioning tells us that we’re too much or that we shouldn’t be so sensitive or that we’re flaky, and then we adjust accordingly to find acceptance from our peers. The problem is that, when we contort our souls in that way, we rob the world of seeing our innate gifts and qualities and we rob ourselves of sharing them. Learning your Human Design is the first step to getting back to you and starting to shed all that conditioning“.

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that knowing my Human Design has changed my life”.

Graciela Rasor

“Human Design has given me permission to be and express all that I am, and acceptance of the ways that I operate outside of societal norms. I love giving this permission slip to the clients I read for too — but the secret is that they’re really giving it to themselves!

Is there a misconception behind wellness?

“Unfortunately, Instagram has gotten in my head and the first things I see when I think of wellness are green juices, white sand beaches, perfect tans, and workout videos (all things I love BTW!). But when I go deeper and tune into my heart, I know that wellness isn’t about an aesthetic — it’s about how you feel.”.

Green juice smoothie

“We as a culture love a quick fix, and sometimes we fall into the trap of assuming wellness can be a quick fix too. We think that ONE juice cleanse will get our gut health back on track, ONE reiki session will balance our chakras forever, ONE class will change our lives. And while it’s possible to have a profoundly transformative experience in a very short amount of time using these teachings and healing modalities, it’s called a “practice” for a reason. Committing to your health and wellness practice means showing up for it as often as you can even when it feels less than glamorous. That’s where you see the real transformation happens”.

Any tips you have for balancing overall wellness through Human Design?

“Choose what feels right for you in every moment. In Human Design, we make aligned decisions using our Strategy and Authority, which you can find highlighted in your chart. Even if you don’t know those specific elements of yourself, you can still tune into the inner voice that you have and ask it what feels right — not what feels right from a ‘should’ perspective, but what feels right in your core”.

“The key is that we all need to get out of our heads more and start tuning into the wisdom of our own bodies to make these choices”.

It is important for the harmony between mind, body, and spirit to be flowing and functioning. How do you recommend protecting your energy?

“You have to start putting you first. It’s not being selfish, it’s recognizing that your energy is precious and limited”. It requires being vigilant about where you’re spending your energy and choosing to spend it doing the things that feel good as often as you can.”

protect your energy with graciela rasor

Some questions you can ask yourself:

1.) What can you say no to that would feel like a weight being lifted off your shoulders?

2.) What’s something you said yes to that’s dragging you down and feeling really icky in your body?

“Living like that requires a lot of kind and conscious “no’s.” Make no your favorite word!”

When you find your energy low, or feel overwhelmed, what is the first step you do to combat that?

“The first step is to lighten my load — I ask myself what tasks and projects can be deprioritized so that I can take time to sit with my own thoughts and feelings. The funny thing about feelings is that, when you actually let yourself feel them, they tend to pass pretty quickly.”

“If I’m still feeling funky, I’ll do some energy work on myself while listening to something relaxing (this playlist is a great one). Also, NATURE. We can never underestimate the power of nature to put us in a good mood, even if that’s just standing in a little patch of sun outside your office like I used to do in the concrete jungle of NYC”.

To sum things up, Human Design is a relatively new form of self-discovery that can aid in your spiritual growth. If you are interested in learning more about applying this practice in your life, you can visit Rasor’s website and explore her services.

Visit Graciela’s Rasor’s website

We asked Rasor one final question before we wrapped our juicy wellness talk up.

Is there anything you have learned on your journey that you wish you could go back and tell your old self? 

“That fruit loop flavored vodka and 5 inch stilettos are never a good mix! But seriously, what wouldn’t I tell my younger self? I’d tell her that it’s cool to take time alone to curl up with a good book. That life is meant to be lived in a way that feels good and makes you feel good about yourself, and that looks different for everyone.

That creativity is pure joy and something to prioritize. That romance takes work, other women are allies not enemies, showing up matters more than anything else, boss lady pantsuits are overrated. And that magic is real and part of every single one of us.

Wellness means having the freedom to live your life in a way that feels good to your body, mind and soul. It can be as simple or as esoteric and wild as you want it to be, because it’s all about YOU.

Graciela Rasor

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