The mind is an amazing, intricate, and delicate thing inside all of us. There are many ways to heal the mind, some of the most beneficial being holistically. Using isochronic tones to heal the mind has been proven beneficial through various research studies.

Isochronic tones are a special kind of tone which has a pulsating sound as it is being played on and off rapidly and repetitively.

These tones excite and stimulate the thalamus in your brain. This stimulation encourages the brain to follow along with the pattern of the frequency of tones. Essentially your brain is matching the frequency of the tones being played.

So What’s the Big Deal?

Isochronic tones can be used to put the mind at ease and allow your mind to “surrender” as you fall into a calm state of mind. These tones are generally a newer concept to many and don’t have as much popularity as the most common tone known as the “binaural beat”. Binaural beats are where two sound frequencies are used and repeated as opposed to one in the isochronic tone.

Your brain has five different frequency levels (gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta waves). Isochronic tones are effective at the gamma level. Gamma waves are important in cognitive functioning such as learning and memory. With these tones stimulating these brain waves, which can aid cognitive function and relax the mind.

It is thought that the 40 Hz gamma wave is the most important when it comes to learning and processing new information. Isochronic tones can be played at different Hz levels, activating different brain waves.

Using Isochronic Tones to Heal

Here is a playlist on Spotify that has multiple tracks at different Hz levels, leading to various stimulation of brain waves. The playlist is labeled as Chakra Healing but utilizes different Hz levels.

The Effect of the Tones

The tones are very soothing and have a very “zen” feel to them. It is important we give our brains a break from music with words and feed it with peaceful tones that provoke a calm feeling.

Essentially, listening to these isochronic tones can benefit your mind in healing and relaxing into a calm steady state. We have the power to heal our mind, all that is needed is an action.

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