Rising Rituals to Jump Start Your Energy in the Morning

by | May 18, 2022

Imagine this; you wake up to the sound of your beeping alarm. You try to open your eyes but they feel so heavy and you just want to crawl under your sheets. You force yourself to stand up, brush your teeth and get ready for the day. The rest of the day you feel like the only thing you look forward to is going home and back to sleep. We rounded up the best rising rituals to jump start your morning so you never have to feel like this again.

      Inspired by the holistic traditions of Ayurveda, these rising rituals will not only leave you with much more life force energy for the day, but shift your mental state as well.

The Best Rising Rituals for Your Energy

We have gathered a combination of mental and physical aspects to incorporate into your rising routine in order to elevate your life force energy.

“Win the morning, win the day”

Tim Ferris

1.) Stretch Upon Waking

Strecthing upon waking will allow your muscles in your body to become less tense from your deep sleep. We recommend targeting each body part individually; for example starting with your neck and working down to your legs.


2.) Drink Water for Gut Health

Starting off with a glass of water hydrates you as well as supports a healthy gut. Good bacteria are collected on the tongue as you sleep. Washing them down with water allows them to enter the gut and flourish.


3.) Pranayama Breathwork

This kind of breathwork is widely known for clearing the mind, purging the body of carbon dioxide, strengthening your lungs, and signaling your brain to calm down. Incorporating this into your morning routine will make the rest of your day easier to handle.


4.) Energy Strengthening Beverage

Make a cup of this Ayurvedic recipe from The Fruits and Seeds to feel energized and glowing throughout your day.

  • soak 7 almonds overnight in clean water
  • in the morning, remove almond skins
  • add to blender with water or pure raw milk, dates, cardamom powder, ginger powder, and 1 tsp. of grass-fed ghee
  • blend and enjoy!


5.) Earthing

If you can, try to spend at least 5 minutes outside with bare skin on the earth. This allows for the absorbtion of millions of electrons into the body. The Earth is negatively charged, so when it emits negative electrons and ions, it allows our bodies to detoxify free radicals, heavy metals, air pollution, and more.

rising rituals earthing

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