
The Throat Chakra is the fifth energy center in your body located at the center of your throat. This energy center is responsible for communicating our own personal internal truths with the outside world.

throat chakra location on body

Our Throat Chakra allows us to be assertive, expressive, and creative with our words and self-expression. When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, we can have trouble communicating our desires and expressing our opinions leading to unsatisfactory.

Color: Blue


throat chakra symbol

Location: Throat

Mantra: Ham (I speak)

Element: Ether

If you find it hard to express your emotions, verbalize your thoughts, be honest or converse with others, have a voice of your own, or be your authentic self, you are showing indications of an unbalanced Throat Chakra.

However, if you feel your voice is well established, strong, kind, and you find ease in sharing your thoughts and opinions you show indications of a balanced Throat Chakra.

What Causes a Throat Chakra Blockage?

When you are finding it difficult to express yourself and your inner truths to the world, this chakra may become unbalanced. You may feel like you are clinging to secrets or you can’t seem to find the right words to describe your feelings. Communication is key with the Throat Chakra, so if you are struggling to communicate with others in your life, your chakra can become imbalanced.

It is important to find sufficient ways to express ourselves and communicate throughout our lives.

Balancing and Healing Vishuddha

Balancing the Throat Chakra can be done by focusing all your energy to this energy center.

To do so, start by eating certain foods, listening to certain sounds, utilizing certain smells and other holistic remedies. Below are remedies you can utilize I recommend for bringing your Throat Chakra back into balance.

Throat Chakra Foods

Consuming the following can allow your Throat Chakra to become re-aligned.

  • Blueberries
  • Lemongrass
  • Blackberries
  • Red apples
  • Dark chocolate
  • Figs
  • Purple grapes
  • Dragon fruit

Any food that is blue and healing to the throat/mouth is beneficial when healing this energy center.

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Throat Chakra Herbs

aesthetic oil vile and herbs

Spearmint: Contains natural anti-septic properties, heals digestive ailments

Peppermint: Relieves aches and pains, has a restorative effect on mind and body

Elderberry: Prevents cell damage, boosts the immune system

Clove: Prevents blood clots, posses anti-bacterial properties

Fennel: Fight fatigue, and rich in Vitamin C

To use Throat Chakra herbs, you can steep them in your tea or make an incense blend with them.

Throat Chakra Essential Oils

essential oil with flowers

Eucalyptus: Functions as first aid, boosts energy and mental clarity

Myrrh: Maintains state of enlightenment, clears negative energy

Rosemary: Stimulates liver, strengthens memory

Patchouli: Encourages release of serotonin and dopamine, attracts abundance

To use Throat Chakra oils, put a few drops on your hands and smooth the oil on your wrists and neck.

I always stick with Young Living essential oils when purchasing any healing oils, as I have personally received the most benefit through them. This has been the only brand where I can physically feel the oil healing my skin it comes in contact with. Not to mention the aroma is not too strong but not mild enough where it fades after 30 minutes.

Purchasing a cheap six-dollar essential oil from your local drug store will do you more harm than good in this case, trust me based on experience. Oils like these are most likely just fragrance and will bring you no healing properties, only harsh chemicals on your skin.

Below are a few trusted essential oils if you are on a tight budget but looking for something safe and beneficial.


“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering the quiet that is already there.”

Deepak Chopra
meditating outline graphic image

One of the most simple ways to balance your chakras is through meditation. Meditation connects you to a higher spiritual realm.

It is scientifically proven that focusing on a certain energy center activates it and allows for energy to flow to and from there.

While meditating, imagine a blue glowing essence forming at your throat and emanating all throughout the rest of your body. Find stillness and peace within your mind. You can repeat mantras to yourself reaffirming things that will make you feel safe and grounded such as:

  • I speak my truth
  • I have the words I need
  • I speak with love
  • My words are of kindness
  • I communicate with honor
  • I express my voice creatively
  • I express my gratitude

Below are a few Throat Chakra sounds you can listen to in order to enhance your meditation through isochronic tones. (You can learn more about these tones and the healing properties on the mind in my post here).

During meditation, it is more beneficial to incorporate Throat Chakra healing stones and oils to allow your chakra to become open and balanced.

Mudra for Throat Chakra Meditation

throat chakra mudra procedure

Yoga poses

Through the following yoga poses, you can allow energy to flow freely to your Throat Chakra clearing it of negative energy.

  • Supported Shoulderstand
  • Supported Fish Pose
  • Bridge Pose
  • Plow Pose

Healing Crystals and Gemstones

Carrying and meditating with crystals can aid in throat chakra cleansing and opening.

throat chakra healing stones

Mindfulness is Key

When trying to balance any chakra, mindfulness will always be key. Take time to slow down and analyze how your mind and body feel. Being mindful and implementing holistic remedies will allow your Throat Chakra to become restored with balance.

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