After a long stressful day, you are in dire need of something to calm you down and ease your mind. Calm your nervous system with this perfect tea blend to chillax. Let the aromas of lavender and rosemary fill your nose.

So what is the perfect tea blend to chillax?

For this blend four different herbs are used. You can use all or you could just pick one. Each herb used has very good calming affects so it’s up to you to choose. Mix n’ match and have fun!

1.) Valerian Root (Valeriana Officinalis)

valerian root tea blend

If you are going to use one herb in your blend, Valerian Root will be the most potent. Valerian is widely known for its sedative and antidepressant properties including:

  • relaxation in the nervous system
  • stimulating mental and spiritual clarity
  • calming anxiety

2.) Life Everlasting Flower (Helichrysum Arenarium)

life everlasting flower tea blend

The Life Everlasting flower is native to North and South Carolina with its flowers, stems, and leaves containing medicinal properties.
It is known for it antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties including:

  • protection from environmental stressors
  • anti-aging
  • hydrating and moisturizing fatty acids
  • astringent properties to make the skin supple and soft

3.) Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis)

rosemary tea blend

Rosemary is a commonly known herb for cooking but it can also be used for its soothing affects when brewed in a tea.

Its most common calming affects include:

  • regulation of adrenal glands (responsible for regulating stress)
  • analgesic pain relieving properties
  • calming affect on central nervous system and brain

4.) Lavender (Lavendula Officinalis)


This herb is very common and mostly known for its beautiful scent used in many fragrances, oils, and room sprays. What you probably didn’t know it that this herb actually eases your body in the following ways:

  • calms anxiety and stress
  • eases depression
  • reduces symptoms of headaches
  • eases muscle soreness

All herbs can be purchased from local herbal shops or through online herb suppliers, just make sure the supplier is well trusted and organic. With this tea blend to chillax, your mind will be put at ease. Kiss those worries goodbye.

*Disclaimer this is not in any way medical advice or recommendation, simply just my opinion of how you can use different herbs to your advantage

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