Have you ever noticed how each day of the week we encounter, we tend to feel different emotions towards? Typically each day of the week has a feeling or emotion associated with it. For example, most people dread Mondays and most look forward to Fridays. Why is this? There is actual energy behind each day of the week.

Each day possesses its own special vibration. This vibration is influenced by the ruling celestial bodies at the moment, your own personal vibration, and your mindset.

Back in Ancient Roman times, each day was named relating to the planets or other celestial bodies. These correlate to the energy behind each day of the week in which the names meant “day of” and the ruling celestial body for that day as follows:

  • Dies Soles (day of the sun)
  • Dias Lunes (day of the moon)
  • Dies Martis (day of Mars)
  • Dies Mercurri (day of Mercury)
  • Dies Iovis (day of Jupiter)
  • Dies Veneris (day of Venus)
  • Dies Saturni (day of Saturn)

Each day was unique and made to utilize the energy of the ruling celestial body that day.

To this day, the planet and energetic connection still holds true for each day of the week. You can use this energy in order to flow through life easier and remain in control of your life.

Master your day master your life. In order to have a good year, you need good months. In order to have a good month, you need good weeks. In order to have good weeks, you need good days.

Here is the energy behind each day of the week

Monday’s Energetic Tone

The ruling celestial body for Monday is the Moon. This allows us to access our full potential and set intentions for the week ahead.

Mondays often get a bad reputation and are dreaded as the most challenging day being the beginning of the week.

The reason for it being so “dreaded” is due to the stirring of our emotions causing us to be moody and upset. If Monday’s seem challenging to you, there may be some underlying emotional energy you are having a difficult time dealing with.

On the other hand, Mondays can also bring about positive energy and motivation. If we have a positive mindset and feel good about our lives, Mondays can help us move forward in a positive mindset for the rest of the week.

Drink plenty of water on this special day and take time to ground yourself with deep breathing or even just taking two minutes to close your eyes if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Tuesday’s Energetic Tone

Mars, the planet of action and energy rules the day of Tuesday. This makes it a great day for accomplishing things.

Tuesday is all about using Monday’s set tone to take action. This day is great for progressing with projects and getting ahead.

The energy of Tuesday can help you move forward and evolve in all areas of your life. Get clear about what exactly you want and take action to make it happen.

Mars energy allows us to use our passions to take action on our goals, dreams, and desires whether they be short or long term.

Wednesday’s Energetic Tone

Mercury, the planet of communication and expression, rules Wednesday thus controlling its energy. This day is the perfect time to establish what you want, how you will get there, and where you are heading.

With this being the case, it makes Wednesday a great day for scheduling meetings, important calls, or events. Mercury rules the higher mind, so new ideas and creativity flourish on this day.

Wednesday is the midpoint of the week, so it is a key day to checking in with ourselves and making sure we are paying attention to our needs and emotions. Check-in with your inner self and make sure everything you’re putting out into the Universe is what you desire.

Thursday’s Energetic Tone

Thursday is ruled by positive and expansive energies from the planet Jupiter. This makes Thursday the perfect day to retain new information and expand your consciousness.

With the work week coming to a near end, Thursday is the perfect day to take care of matters that may have been lingering in the past few days.

This Jupiter-ruled day has a certain lightness to it, making it a day of positivity and gratitude. With Thursday being a consciousness expander, it is a perfect time to start or heighten spiritual practices and take care of financial matters.

To use the energy of Thursday to your absolute advantage, wake up and start your day off by feeling grateful and optimistic. This will help you attract a similar vibration and get a progressive leap forward throughout the day.

Friday’s Energetic Tone

Venus rules Friday making it the perfect day to connect with others and just relax. Venus is the ruling planet of love and creativity. Due to Venus putting us in a social mood on Friday’s, it turns out to be the perfect night for a date or to just hang out.

The creative energy of Friday also allows us to gather inspiration on any new projects we are working on. Dive into these projects whether it be planning or executing.

Friday is also a great time to give yourself some love. Indulge in yourself, pamper yourself, or update your beauty routine. Try not to schedule anything too strenuous on Friday. This energy is intended to be expended towards feelings of love and creativity.

Saturday’s Energetic Tone

Saturn is the dominating celestial body for this day. Spend some time getting organized for the week. Saturn can help us feel grounded and balanced.

This is the perfect day to organize your schedule for the upcoming week, catch up on the previous week, or plan out the day.

To use Saturday’s energy, get prepare for the week ahead. It will come much easier than you would expect it to due to the dominating Saturn energy.

Sunday’s Energetic Tone

The sun is the ruling celestial body of Sunday. This makes it a perfect day to unwind and connect with your inner self. Dive within yourself and access the inner light. Self-reflection, spiritual growth, or personal growth can replenish your soul making you feel grounded.

Sunday’s energy prepares us for the week ahead. This makes it a good day to unwind prepare your goals for the upcoming week.

Emotions will tend to feel soother and social gatherings will flow more smoothly. Try not to schedule anything of too high of energy on Sunday, as its energy is that of relaxation and inner radiance.

If you take advantage of the energy behind each day of the week and incorporate it into your own life, you will start to notice how these unique vibrations can mold your week and life.

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