Your Solar Plexus Chakra is the energy center located right above your naval area. It is affiliated with self-esteem and willpower that allows you to control your actions, personal power, and intentions in your life. Manipura is the Sanskrit word for your Solar Plexus Chakra.
When this chakra is balanced, you will feel very powerful and confident in all your decisions and actions in life.
Color: Yellow
Location: Above naval area
Mantra: Ram (I do)
Element: Fire
Thoughts, feelings, actions, and emotions will dictate whether or not this chakra is balanced and radiant. If you are fatigued, unmotivated, feel weak and useless, feel like you have to dominate, insecure, seek approval from others, or have low self-esteem, you have indications of an unbalanced Solar Plexus chakra.
If you are radiant, energized, focused, excited, and motivated then you are showing indications of a balanced Solar Plexus chakra.
What Causes a Solar Plexus Chakra Blockage?
A blocked Solar Plexus Chakra is most likely the cause of feelings of being powerless, lost, and in a state of confusion. You may have lost your sense of unique personality or expression.
Think of the Solar Plexus Chakra as the missing puzzle piece in the puzzle you built up with your Sacral Chakra energy work. This chakra will allow your full expression of creativity.
Balancing and Healing Manipura
Opening and cleansing your Solar Plexus Chakra is essential when you want to own your personal power. You are a powerful being, so step into that position!
This can be done by eating certain foods, listening to certain sounds, utilizing certain smells and other holistic remedies. Below are remedies recommended for opening your this chakra.
Solar Plexus Chakra Foods
Consuming the following can allow this chakra to become cleansed and opened.
- Whole grains (oats, rice, farro, teff)
- Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans)
- Turmeric
Ginger - Yellow pepper
- Pineapple
Any yellow foods that drive your fire system are great to consume. Your fire system drives digestion therefore it is beneficial to eat foods that aid in digestion.
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Solar Plexus Chakra Herbs
Turmeric: Powerful anti-oxidant
Lily of the Valley: Helps you channel ancestral wisdom
Juniper: Source of protection energy
Neroli: Calms frayed nerves
Mint: Brings luck and wealth
Cumin: Protective and healing
Solar Plexus Chakra Essential Oils
Lemon: Fruit of awakening, calms central nervous system
Tea Tree: Anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal
Grapefruit: Invigorates and refreshes
Peppermint: Provides cool and refreshing sensation on skin, relaxes tense muscles
To use oils for this energy center, put a few drops on your hands and smooth the oil on your wrists and neck.
I always stick with Young Living essential oils when purchasing any healing oils, as I have personally received the most benefit through them. This has been the only brand where I can physically feel the oil healing my skin it comes in contact with. Not to mention the aroma is not too strong but not mild enough where it fades after 30 minutes.
Purchasing a cheap six-dollar essential oil from a drug store will do you more harm than good in this case, trust me based on experience. Oils like these are most likely just fragrance and will bring you no healing properties, just harsh chemicals to the skin.
Below are a few trusted essential oils if you are on a tight budget but looking for something safe and beneficial.
“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering the quiet that is already there.”
Deepak Chopra
One of the most simple ways to balance your chakras is through meditation. Meditation connects you to a higher spiritual realm.
It is scientifically proven that focusing on a certain energy center activates it and allows for energy to flow to and from there.
While meditating, imagine a yellow glowing essence forming above your naval area and spreading all throughout the rest of your body.
After imagining this yellow light in you, find stillness and peace within your mind. You can repeat mantras to yourself reaffirming things that will allow your solar plexus chakra to become upon and balanced:
- I do trust myself
- I do live with integrity
- I do have full control of my own power
- I do receive flows of Divine energy through me
- I do respect myself at all times
- I do deserve a light and loving life
Below are a few Solar Plexus Chakra sounds you can listen to in order to enhance your meditation through isochronic tones. (You can learn more about these tones and the healing properties on the mind in my post here).
Utilizing Solar Plexus chakra gemstones and essential oils can help you connect to the frequency of the chakra, enhancing the opening and balancing of the energy center.
Mudra for Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Poses
Through the following yoga poses, you can allow energy to flow freely to your solar plexus chakra clearing it of negative energy.
- Downward Dog
- Warrior 1 and 2
- Firefly Pose
- Boat Pose
Healing Crystals and Gemstones
Carrying and meditating with crystals can aid in cleansing and opening this energy center.
Mindfulness is Key
When trying to balance any chakra, mindfulness will always be key. Take time to slow down and analyze how your mind and body feel. Being mindful and implementing holistic remedies will allow your Solar Plexus Chakra to become restored with balance.
Fantastic article! Thank you for the guidance Kennedy!
Thank ya thank ya, very much appreciated!
Love and blessings,
Kennedy from Similar Souls On Fire
Great article! Thank you for sharing! I saved the Spotify list to my profile and need to add meditation to my day – I’ve needed to do that for a long time!
Thank you, I’m glad it found you well! Adding meditation to your routine right when you wake up and before you go to bed is the best in my opinion!
Kennedy from Similar Souls On Fire
I love that you include so many different ways of approaching healing for the Solar Plexus Chakra. I have been thinking about getting Citrine as of late, was actually noticing how drawn I feel to this stone over the last couple days. I guess there was a good reason for it. I tried the hand formation with posture and chant. Making the RAM sound made the vibrations flow right to my center, very comforting. I will attempt to eat more yellow foods and get better with following a Yoga practice to help balance Manipura. Thank you!
Thank you! It makes me so happy to hear you are trying some healing methods and they seem to be helping. Whenever healing my Solar Plexus, I like to turn my phone off, spend some time self-reflecting, and really embrace all the love I can create for myself. Best wishes on your healing journey!
Kennedy from Similar Souls On Fire