Full moons are a very common concept, widely known by many people of all ages. But what about the new moon? In this article, you will learn how to utilize the power of the new moon. This moon has just as many powers as the full moon, but in different aspects.

A full moon is more about the concept of completion. A full cycle has elapsed, time has passed, things have happened and you now have a chance to reflect on all of that. On the other hand, a new moon is all about the dawn of new beginnings.

During the full and new moon, Earth is being shaken. Not literally of course. The tides are highest and lowest during these moon phases. The moon has the capability to shift the pattern of water on the planet due to its massive energy. This is why we want to harness the new moon’s power and use it to our own advantage.

Birth of a New Moon Means a New Beginning

Every lunar cycle the moon goes through, our spirit is reincarnated or re-birthed. We have new ideas, new strengths, new courage, and new will power. As the moon slowly dissipates, we are relinquished of that energy.

New moons allow us to look back at our experiences, thought behaviors, and general existence over the past cycle. Evaluating how we can improve ourselves for the better.

This moon creates a blank canvas for you to paint your dreams and desires on. Basically, we are using this powerful New Moon energy to create our desires.

Take Some Personal Time During the Power of the New Moon

With the strong energy of the New Moon, it is best to instill solitude and really sit down with you and yourself, that’s it. Being alone and taking time to dive deep into your soul-conscious can bring to surface unanswered truths and questions.

Give Your Self Love and Praise

new moon power ritual candle

Get comfy, take a nice hot bath, light a candle, listen to your favorite music, meditate, do whatever it is that makes you feel grounded and safe.

Do Some Reflecting

Start by reflecting on the past lunar cycle, or past few weeks. How have you improved? Did you accomplish anything major or have you been struggling? Write down everything that comes to mind when you think of what you have been going through.

Setting Intentions

In order to take full advantage of the New Moon, it is best to set intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle and physically write them down. In doing so, you are consciously thinking and writing about exactly what you want and how you are going to get there.

powerful new moon journaling

My favorite way to do this is to keep a small leather journal on me at all times. This allows me to write down any intentions or goals I have so I can physically see them. Not to mention, who doesn’t like having a cute journal?

Setting intentions and physically writing them down is part of the process of manifestation in which you harvest your thoughts to turn them into reality.

P.S. Click here to dive deeper into the process of manifestation

Utilize Crystals to Enhance the Power of the New Moon

To allow the energy to become attracted to you and your space, utilize crystals. Certain crystals have energies perfect for manifesting desires such as Moonstone, Pyrite, Tiger’s Eye, and Carnelian.

Make sure and take advantage of the energy and learn how to utilize the power of the new moon. Allow your intentions to drive you to take action in this new era we are blessed with.

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