Golden milk may be a new concept to many, although it is rapidly gaining its popularity in many coffee and tea shops.

What Is Golden Milk?

Golden milk is basically a fancy name for the combination of turmeric and milk. There are many reasons for people consuming this drink, most being for health benefits.

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Turmeric is known for its vast amount of health benefits including reducing inflammation, making your heart stronger, protecting your nervous system, and promoting anti-oxidant/anti-microbial properties in your body.



  • Turmeric
  • Almond milk (or oat milk, cashew milk, whatever milk preferred)
  • cinnamon


1.) Warm up milk in microwave for approximately 1 and a half minutes

2.) Stir in 1 tbsp. of turmeric

3.) (Optional) Sprinkle cinnamon on top and enjoy!

This recipe is quite simple making it a great drink to enjoy when waking up or before going to bed. Turmeric is actually used in the practice of Ayurveda to calm the stomach after meals. Consuming turmeric on the daily can be very beneficial to your health, and I strongly encourage you all to look deeper into this!

You can also play around with it and add in extra ingredients for flavor, for example sometimes I add in cloves to give it more taste.

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