Healing Frequencies for Every Mood of the Day

by | May 25, 2022

Anxiety, depression, and stress levels are on the rise after the past few years of trauma. Loved ones and jobs are being lost contributing to the heavy amounts of tension in the air. As our world and population try to make a comeback from the difficult times we have been faced with, many are resulting towards new healing modalities. Originating from Eastern medicine, healing frequencies of sound are being used to create a harmony in the mind and body.

      This ancient tactic provides us with a holistic way of approaching severe stress mentally and emotionally. As this healing modality becomes more normalized, here are some key points to know.

What are healing frequencies?

      Healing frequencies are a specific type of sound wave therapy that work with your brain wave states. Each vibration of sound carries a different frequency that we measure in Hertz (Hz). These Hz frequencies resonate with different states of your brain’s frequency inducing an altered state of relaxation to the mind and body.

Key Healing Frequencies

      Grab your favorite pair of headphones and try out these different healing frequencies depending on your mood.

1.) 432 Hz

This healing frequency slows down the heart rate and allows for sensations of calm to take over the body. In a double-blind study done, this frequency signifigantly slowed the heart rate down compared to 440 Hz.  With this frequency your mind will be filed with peace and well-being. It is the perfect frequency to incorporate into meditation or yoga.

2.) 396 Hz

At this frequency, you will be feeling inspired, uplifted, and free of guilt. It is associated with removing blockages and fears. If you feel you have any blocks keeping you from achieving your goals, try practicing intention setting to this frequency.

3.) 528 Hz

Your endocrine system and autonomic nervous system will greatly benefit from listening to this frequency of sound. A study done in Japan concluded after five minutes of listening to sounds at this frequency, stress in the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems were signifigantly reduced. If you feel ill or overwhelmed, try listening to sounds at his frequency.

4.) 852 Hz

Listening to frequencies at 852 Hz will allow you to improve your connection with your intuition. It is known as the divine frequency. If you are feeling surrounded by negative thoughts or anxiousness, try giving sounds at this frequency a listen.


5.) 741 Hz

Known as the cleansing frequency, these sounds are best when removing old beliefs and making room for a new paradigm. Associated with the solar plexus chakra, it also gives your self-expression a boost.


Interested in listening for yourself? Here are some of our favorites on Spotify.

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