The concept of a full moon is widely known, but few are aware of the heightened full moon energy. This energy is substantially more powerful than that of other moon phases. It allows the mind, body, and spirit to express things in a more amplified state.

Since Ancient times the full moon has been seen as the realm of your subconscious and cycle of life and death. Buddhists see the full moon as a spiritual power.

You can utilize the full moon energy to your own advantage if done properly. Below I have listed out the ways in which you can use the full moon’s energy to your advantage.

Full Moon Energy Rituals

With the full moon in the sky, it provides the perfect time to spend a night alone and do some reflecting. Full moon rituals can be used to align your present life with the high energetic qualities of the moon.

new moon rituals

Using holistic methods in your ritual, you can allow yourself to become aware of the surrounding energy and how you are feeling. Chakra healing is a common holistic method practiced on the night of a full moon. This form of healing focuses on your seven energy centers and how they relate to you emotionally.

Below are some practices you can put to use during the full moon energy.

1.) Journaling

Think about the past few weeks and what they have brought you. Have you accomplished anything major? Have you started any new creative projects? Do some self-reflecting about your current position in life. Write down anything that comes to mind, as this is your subconscious channeling through you.

Think positively and open-minded as you do so. Writing down positive things or experiences you wish to occur in the future will help the process of actually manifesting them.

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2.) Tarot and Oracle Cards

Tarot cards and oracle cards can be used on this special night to align you on your life path.

Tarot and Oracle cards are great for asking higher powers for guidance with your current position in life. They can also be used to answer subconscious questions.

Source: Violet Aura

3.) Avoid Arguing and Getting Angry

Because the full moon’s energy is so strong, emotions will be amplified when released. If you are angry, this will only become an intensified feeling, same goes for any other emotion.

Remain calm and refrain from allowing yourself to be in situations where you could become irritated or upset.

4.) Visualization

Imagine your desired state of being and picture it actually happening in your head. Think of how you feel in this state. What emotions are you feeling? What did you do in order to get to this desired state?

Close your eyes and take a few moments to dive deep into your subconscious. Start creating images in your head of this desired state, then start to incorporate the other four senses. What are you hearing? What are you feeling? What are you tasting?

Visualization down to the specific detail allows an emotional connection to our desired state. This then allows us to work harder to achieve this desired state.

trippy eye art

5.) Meditation

Taking time to meditate on a full moon night is essential. Meditation allows us to become aware of all our thoughts, emotions, and actions. We can then use this to analyze what we need to change in our lives.

Meditating during the full moon energy also allows you to train your brain to remain in a calm and mindful state. Our brains are always on, so it is important to give it a breakthrough meditation.

It is most useful to use mantras and focus on different chakras during meditation. Learn more about mantras here.

Performing these rituals during the full moon energy can assist you in harnessing the energy for your own spiritual growth. It is also helpful to utilize other holistic practices such as essential oils, herbs, or sound healing to bring you to a calm state of mind during this powerful energy phase.

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