Everyone has goals, whether they be small or big. The real question is who will actually reach these goals? The answer is the people who implement these 7 essential steps to reaching your goals.

7 Essential Steps

1.) Walk the walk

People LOVE to talk the talk but no one seems to like to walk the walk. Its quite simple to talk about how successful you’re going to be in something, but what are you going to actually do to get there? Nothing is going to come to you if you sit on your ass and wait for it. Shut your mouth and actually execute.

2.) Set goals that seem unrealistic to you

Wait what? Yeah that’s right, think of your biggest and most INSANE dream you have. Stop allowing yourself to dream small and start dreaming big.

3.) Eliminate distractions

Oh yes, the root of all evil…distractions. Be conscious of what is directing your focus away from your goals and do everything you can to avoid it, whatever it may be.


Excuses are just the lazy persons way out of something. Don’t be a lazy ass. If you want it, you’ll work for it no matter what. If you find excuses, then you don’t truly want it. Its that simple.

5.) Cut out the toxicity

This one’s simple. Eliminate all things whether they be bad habits, bad people, or bad places that create a road block on your path to SUCCESS. Surround yourself with people and things that benefit you.

6.) Fall in love with losing

When you loose or go through hard times, you can use that to your advantage. You can either sit in the dark and be upset about your loss, or you can use it as a fire under your ass to push you to do better. Never give up, no matter how hard it gets.

7.) Push yourself, but not too hard

Last but not least, the most important aspect is asserting balance. Work hard for your goals, but don’t exhaust yourself to the point where you no longer have motivation. If we run ourselves into the ground, it then becomes even harder to make a comeback.

You are the only person who can stop yourself from reaching your goals. If not now, then when? Imagine the results you could get if you stuck with your plan for 12 months. When’s the last time you stuck with something for 18 months or more? Ask yourself that. You got this shit. Follow these 7 essential steps to reaching your goals, and you will be so closer than you ever thought you would be.

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