The Importance of Positive Affirmations

The Importance of Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are like the programming of the brain. They lay out a set of beliefs about yourself, your life, and the world around you. They are also proven methods of self-improvement which shows the importance of positive affirmations.

Joy starts from within therefore it is very important to control how you choose to live your life and what you make of it. Your thoughts are the basis of your actions, so you can utilize them to manifest your own reality.

The universe is filled with possibilities, and as I like to say, nothing is truly impossible. Every day brings new opportunities its just a matter of if you want to take advantage of them. YOU are the one who puts yourself in a set mindset allowing the universe to reciprocate the energy you put out.

Ways to Positively Reaffirm Yourself

Think highly of yourself

You have a beautiful mind, a beautiful life, YOU are beautiful. Brightness radiates off of you. You can do anything you want, and no one is in the way to stop you. You are smart and know what is best for you.

Even if you feel you are struggling in life, tell yourself you can and WILL achieve your goals. Remind yourself every day of your greatness and potential. Picture yourself where you want to be.

Realize that everything is happening for a reason

The universe has a tendency to make certain things happen at certain times…timing is key. Everything you experience in life will happen for a reason that will benefit you in the end. Even if it doesn’t seem to benefit you at the time, you can learn from it.

Realize that you have to be in a specific place at a specific time for something to happen. Even the slightest change of thought from you or a third party can alter the outcome of a situation.

Abandon the old habits and pick up the new

Acknowledge old habits you may have that have brought you trouble, whether they be mental or physical. Overcome them by replacing them with NEW habits that allow your mindset to change for the better and allow energy to flow.

Acknowledge your potential

The amount of potential in you is LIMITLESS. The only thing holding you back from doing anything is yourself. Your potential to succeed is infinite. Take note of any restrictions you are placing on yourself. You are in charge of yourself and no one can hold you back from doing something. Let your potential energy flow.

Every day reaffirm yourself with these important positive affirmations, allowing you to receive abundance, blessings, and happiness. Watch how your life begins to shift to a higher vibration.

Manifestation Defined

Manifestation Defined

Would you call me crazy if I said you can turn your thoughts into reality? When I say you can control your life and how it spans out, I mean it. The process of manifestation all begins with your own thoughts followed by emotions, actions, habits, and results.

The universe has divine ways of bringing us what we want and need exactly when we need it, but that all comes from your energy you put out.

Gaia Speaks Sacred Earth Wisdom is a fantastic book by Pepper Lewis that helped evolve my understanding of manifestation. For all my readers out there I HIGHLY recommend this book for deeper information. Purchasing the book through this link will get you 20% off!

Your Thoughts Create Energy

Use the Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration to your advantage. Anything you think will be put out in the energetic field of the universe, so make it positive!

My favorite quote that has resonated with me ever since I heard it is “master your thoughts, master your reality.

Literally imagine yourself succeeding in whatever you want to manifest. Imagine that thought becoming real and existing in your physical life. Your optimistic open-minded thoughts allow for whatever you are manifesting to become more available to you.

Reaffirming Emotions and Actions

Once you start to produce reaffirming thoughts, your emotions and actions you take will follow. Putting the energy of what you want to happen into the universe will lead to the universe giving back at the same frequency.

Remember this: Energy flows where attention goes

Every morning you wake up, every night before you go to bed, every moment of every day, never forget or doubt what you are working for. Naturally, you are starting to already create your own reality of your goal by executing these actions.

Results of Manifesting

After investing and devoting all your available energy to your goal in manifesting, your actions have become habitual and re-occurring. You are at a new level of consciousness by trusting yourself and the universe when you begin to experience these events.

When I start to manifest my own reality of my goals, I have noticed the universe truly reciprocates what I want to achieve. You may notice things naturally coming to you regarding your goal. The energy is coming back to you, giving you what you desire in any way, shape, or form.

Being open-minded is KEY. Be aware and conscious of what is happening around you during every moment of every second of your life.


Write down what exactly you would like to manifest. As you start to turn your thought into a reality and your desires start to become real, write down how they are coming about. Then write down what exactly you did to make them happen.

This will help you keep track of what works for you in terms of manifesting.

Obstacles While Manifesting

During the process of manifestation, most of the times we will come across obstacles trying to stop us from fully manifesting. Follow your intuition and pursue what you must do in order to make your goal come true.

Obstacles in life are nothing but a mere test, trying your ability to overcome hardships. The great thing is, all obstacles are just learning experiences in disguise. You can use obstacles as ways of improving yourself and learning to benefit yourself for the future.

Personally, I have invested in the process of manifestation and I encountered many obstacles myself. At the time being, I felt as if I could never achieve my goal and the universe was out to get me. But later as I continued to reflect, I came to the realization that everything happens for a reason and these hardships I encountered actually served as signs and learning experiences.

If I never encountered them, I would have never learned the valuable lessons I learned. Take negativity and turn that into positive energy to benefit your circumstance and allow you to move forward.

Focusing on your inner self can produce results you never knew you were capable of manifesting. Focus on your goal and devote all your energy to it.