Violet Flame Meditation for Transformation & Healing

Violet Flame Meditation for Transformation & Healing

Also known as the flame of transmutation, the violet flame purifies energy and creates space for transformation. This powerful spiritual flame is an important symbol for those on their spiritual journies. With this life-changing violet flame meditation, you will move through obstacles and resolve physical and emotional issues.

This is no literal fire, but a symbolic flame representing the transformative abilities of spiritual energy. This fire stems from the intensive energy of self-transformation.

Breakdown of the Violet Flame Meditation

Fire and the color violet are the key components of this meditation. With these elements, a grand opportunity for transformation and cleansing is presented.

By utilizing the two elements in a visualized meditation, you will open yourself up for inner work. Each element contains powerful properties regarding inner spiritual work.

The Power of Fire

violet flame meditation fire

Fire has been a source of light and protection since the beginning of time. Similar to spiritual paths, it can be dangerous but beneficial if utilized properly.

Fire’s main role in the violet flame meditation is the ability to transform. It is one of the four elements that can rapidly transform something entirely.

Healing Power of Violet

violet flame meditation color

For centuries, color has been a significant tool for healing emotions and mental states. Chromotherapy is the act of using color to balance energy in one’s body. This alternative therapy is becoming more prevalent in modern scientific approaches to healing.

Violet contains one of the highest vibrational frequencies on the color spectrum. This results in its ability to aid in spiritual growth, universal love, connection with the Divine, and speed up our healing process.

Source: Awaken Mindset

The color violet is also the color of the Crown chakra energy center. This energy center is considered the most sacred chakra and connects you to higher spiritual realms.

To harness the power of the sacred violet flame meditation, find your sacred healing space and let’s get started.

Performing the Violet Flame Meditation

violet flame meditation how to

To begin the meditation, find your sacred space where you won’t be disturbed. Perform the meditation sitting comfortably, back head straight, arms and legs uncrossed. Rest your hands relaxed and palms face up on your legs.

When initiating the violet flame meditation, there are three mantras which are repeated. When you are comfortably seated, you may begin your meditation.

1.) Choose an intention for meditation

This is where you decide why you are meditating. What problem are you looking to solve? This could be a limiting belief, personal problem, or emotional problem.

Establish your why and keep that the basis of your meditation.

2.) Become receptive through a mantra

Begin by reciting your mantra. This will allow you to be in a receiving state with your Higher Self and Divine powers. You can chose your own mantra you believe will be most beneficial for transformation.

Common mantras to begin with start with “I AM”. You can create a mantra or choose a transformational meditation mantra. Repeat this mantra as long as needed in order to find stillness and serenity.

3.) Visualize a sphere of light

At the center of your being, start to visualize a sphere of light. This light is radiating white flames. As you take deeper breaths, these flames will become brighter and eventually become a blazing white sun.

Continue taking deep breaths until the visualized sphere of white flames has surrounded your whole body. It is above your head, below your feet, and is extending three feet out from you as well.

4.) Transform light into a violet flame

Your mind and body are now completely centered. You are ready to transform the white flaming light into a violet flame.

In the center of the blazing white flames, visualize a spark of violet. This color of violet will slowly grow to cover the white flames. All oft the white flames will then be transformed into radiant violet flames burning bright.

Begin reciting mantras that begin with “I AM the violet flame”. An example of this could be “I am the violet flame transforming all in me that needs to be healed”. Speak this mantra into existence while creating a feeling of love and gratefulness. You can also repeat it in your head as many times as you need.

5.) Send your flame to others

If you have an intention that involves others (globally or socially), this is a crucial step.

While visualizing and repeating your mantra, hold your hands in front of you, palms face out. Imagine the problem is right in front of you. Visualize your violet flames radiating their light onto the problem and transforming it for the better.

6.) Concluding your meditation

You will know to end your meditation when you feel a sense of peace and calmness. Your problem has been dissolved by the violet flame and you have succeeded in your intention.

Close your mediation by repeating the same mantra you began with. As you do so, visualize the violet flames shrinking into the center of your forehead (the location of your third eye).