Recently, the media has been buzzing about the word ‘antioxidant’, but what exactly does it mean and how can it benefit your health?
Explore the nutritional value you can’t afford to miss out on in this week’s feature of The Weekly Buzz.
What Exactly Are Antioxidants?
To fully understand what antioxidants are, let’s talk free radicals. A free radical is an unstable molecule missing an electron that is very reactive. It will then try to steal electrons from neighboring molecules thus creating more free radicals…not chill. This leads to potentially damaging tissues and organs in your body…not good right?
Free radicals are one of the by-products of your life-sustaining metabolic process. Most diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s, cataracts, arthritis, fatigue, and heart disease all result in some free radical action.
Thankfully, antioxidants are here to save the day. By giving free radicals the electron they are scavenging for, they no longer have to steal another one from a neighbor molecule. This means no damage to tissues or other organs.
Where Can You Get Antioxidants?
Your body naturally produces them, but you can also get a sustainable amount from consuming antioxidant-rich foods. You can also avoid foods that lead to the production of free radicals such as fast foods, hydrogenated oils (margarine, vegetable oils, packaged foods), and saturated fats (red meats, dairy).
Vitamin C, Spirulina, and Turmeric also contain high amounts of antioxidants and are easy to incorporate into your diet.
All these fruits contain phytonutrients (flavonoids) that have a high potency of antioxidant activity. Flavonoids are found naturally in fruits and veggies and help decrease your risk of chronic health conditions.
2.) Citrus fruits
Fruits such as lemon, lime, and orange all contain flavonoids as well.
3.) Teas
Green tea and black tea contain polyphenols. These are antioxidants that can protect you from cancer and heart disease. Green tea has a higher concentration of polyphenol.
4.) Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain three powerful antioxidants (beta-carotene, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E).
5.) Ginger
Ginger contains high amounts of Gingerol (the biochemical responsible for Ginger’s medicinal properties). It also contains a high amount of important antioxidants.
This ancient medicinal spice is seeming to become widely known for its numerous health benefits. But where did it come from and why is everyone obsessed with turmeric?
The Breakdown: Why Everyone’s Obsessed with Turmeric
With herbal health remedies becoming more prevalent, people are starting to focus on ancient techniques used in Chinese and Eastern herbal medicine. One of the most common herbs used for its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects is turmeric.
This vibrant yellow root contains a powerful antioxidant called curcumin. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, curcumin is able to “stimulate the gallbladder to produce bile”. So what does this mean? Since the liver uses bile to eliminate toxins, turmeric can aid your body in flushing out toxins.
No wonder everyone’s obsessed with turmeric! Below are the top turmeric benefits you should know about.
Here are the top 9 reasons you need to be obsessed with turmeric:
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1.) One of the Best Antioxidants
Free radicals exist in the body, however, if there are too many, cell and DNA damage can occur. Luckily, turmeric is antioxidant-rich which makes it the natural remedy for regulating free radicals.
Scientific evidence proves that curcumin (the antioxidant in turmeric) can actually improve the function of your body’s own antioxidant enzymes. Kiss cell and DNA damage goodbye!
2.) Acts as a Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Inflammation is an essential process in the body, helping to fight off infection. However long-term inflammation can lead to your body’s cells being attacked and damaging your heart, brain, and joints.
Inflammation can be caused quite easily from triggers such as stress, environmental toxins, processed foods, and smoking. Turmeric plays a vital role in ant-inflammatory processes in the body, keeping it regulated. Curcumin inhibits inflammation at the cellular level in your body.
3.) Boosts Your Brain Power
In ancient Chinese medicine, turmeric was used to improve memory retention. This use continues to serve well in modern medicine today.
One of the most important benefits of turmeric is that it relieves inflammation in the brain. In doing so it allows energy production to continue to flow without any interruptions.
Research also shows turmeric increases the availability of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA is a crucial structural fat in the brain that aids in functionality. To sum it up, turmeric allows your brain to function better.
4.) Relieves Achy Joints
Chronic inflammation in your joints is the number one cause for joint aches and pains. Due to curcumin being an excellent inflammation reducer, you can kiss achy joints goodbye.
A study done displayed that patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis taking curcumin had significantly better results in joint relief than anti-inflammatory drugs.
Oxidation (free-radical damage) and inflammation are the number one factors that contribute to aging. Because of this superfood’s ability to fight free-radical damage, it is perfect to slow down the aging process.
Taking daily supplements of turmeric can assist in the anti-aging process. Are you obsessed with turmeric yet?
6.) Boosts Happiness
Not only does turmeric benefit your body, but your mind as well.
This ancient spice helps increase Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factors (BNDF). These important neurotrophic factors influence the peripheral nervous system and cognitive function. Low levels of BNDF can lead to depression.
Studies show consuming turmeric can boost these levels and allow your mood to remain positive.
7.) Provides Cardiovascular Support
The powerful antioxidant in turmeric (curcumin) provides support to your endothelium (the lining of your blood vessels). Maintaining a healthy endothelium is crucial to your heart health, in which it regulates blood pressure and clotting.
Turmeric also helps to reduce plaque build-up in the heart. A wide variety of heart disorders are a result of excess plaque build-up.
8.) Serves as a Liver Detox
Your liver acts as a filter that flushes out toxins in your body keeping you safe and healthy. But when environmental toxins such as processed foods, pesticides, smoke, and heavy metals come into play, your body is at risk.
Curcumin aids liver detox in which it stimulates bile production in the gall bladder. This bile is then used in the liver to eliminate toxins and break down fats.
9.) Aids in Digestion
Including harmful fats (refined cooking oils or canola oil) in your diet can place detrimental stress on your digestive system. Substitute refined oils with coconut oil instead for a healthier outcome. Learn more about coconut oil here.
In order to process and break down fats, your body needs bile. Turmeric stimulates bile production. A study done shows turmeric is an effective digestive aid and is currently being used in Germany to treat digestive problems.
Are You Obsessed with Turmeric Yet?
After reading the numerous health benefits for your mind and body what are your thoughts? If you want to start consuming turmeric asap, here are some turmeric hacks and my favorite recipe.
Turmeric Hacks
1.) Mix with Black Pepper
Mixing your turmeric with black pepper will allow it to become more easily absorbed into your body. This enhances the presence of digestive enzymes in your gut.
2.) Incorporate Into your Meals
There are many ways to consume turmeric, taking it as a capsule pill is surprisingly the most common form. Don’t forget, it is actually a spice!
Add it for some flavoring in your meals for the day. It will give your food some flavor and your body some nutrients.
3.) Mix in Your Tea
Consuming turmeric can easily be done in tea form. You can find pre-packaged turmeric tea or grind the root up yourself and boil it. Add some ginger, lemon, and honey in there for added taste.
4.) Prepare Golden Milk
Golden Milk recipes are spreading like wildfire due to the high demand of this nutrient potent spice.
Medicinal mushrooms have been used for thousands of years assisting in our health regime. Our health is the most valued thing as humans. It is important to realize health starts within. With the health benefits of mushrooms, we can learn to work towards the healthiest version of ourselves.
In order for our bodies to efficiently function, we must provide them all the nutrients they need.
Consuming the right mushrooms are also very important in the health factor. Medicinal teas, powders, tinctures, and extracts are the most commonly used form of consuming mushrooms.
Below are the top 8 healthiest mushrooms, their health benefits, and how you can use them.
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I have found, the easiest way to consume any mushroom is via capsules, extract, or powder form. Take the recommended dose provided by the source of your product. Never exceed the recommended dose.
The BEST Mushroom Product
If you like the sound of the benefits of Shiitake mushrooms, this is for you. This is a mushroom powder that contains all 8 of the healthiest mushrooms! Not only are you getting the health benefits of Shiitake, but of 7 other mushrooms as well (Chaga, Maitake, Turkey Tail, Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Royal Agaricus, and Reishi).
This is probably the best immune system booster you will find on the market, as it is packed with antioxidants and nutrients.
I have been using this powder for one year now and I couldn’t even tell you the last time I got sick (I really don’t remember it’s been that long).
Click here to receive 20% off the Mushroom 8-Plex powder.
My favorite way to enjoy it is to mix 1 tsp. of it into my Golden Milk in the morning (learn more about Golden Milk and how to make it here).
I make this drink once every morning to make sure I get all the nutrients for the day.
1.)Warm-up 1 cup almond milk
2.)Mix in 1 tbsp. turmeric
3.)Mix in 1 tsp. Mushroom 8 Plex powder
4.) Add 1 shake of black pepper (helps turmeric become absorbed)
5.) Add cinnamon on top for flavor (optional)
Drink one of these bad boys every morning and you can kiss those nasty sicknesses goodbye.
A black pigment known as melanin is found in large amounts in Chaga. Melanin contains high anti-oxidant levels leading Chaga to score the highest ORAC score of all superfoods (highest anti-oxidant level). More benefits of this mushroom include:
Controlling blood sugar is what this mushroom is known for. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B, C, iron, potassium, and fiber. Other health benefits of this mushroom include:
relieves side effects of chemotherapy
destroys abnormal cells in the body
immune system booster
lowers cholesterol
contain adaptogens (restoring the body to balanced state)
This mushroom is known for its ability to abolish symptoms of infections including the common cold or flu. In doing so, it builds your immune system to become more resilient against ill-causing germs. Other health benefits of Turkey Tail include:
Used in Tibetan and Chinese medicine since the 15th century, this mushroom is known for supporting heart and liver health. Other beneficial properties of Cordyceps include:
Known for its unique look, this mushroom has brain-boosting abilities. Aside from its power to enhance brain function, some other useful benefits include:
Known as the “Mushroom of God” in Brazil, this mushroom has a much higher polysaccharide count than other mushrooms. Containing minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and fibers, it is widely known for its ability to provide immune system support. Some other health benefits of this mushroom include:
Known as the “ancient mushroom of immortality” for over 2,000 years, Reishi is known for boosting the immune system and preventing/treating infections. Reishi contains chemicals that may have high activity against tumors. Other health benefits of Reishi include:
For those of you who don’t know, yoga is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries. The practice began with Hindu mythology and was established by Lord Shiva.
It is mentioned in the great Hindu scriptures such as the Gita, Upanishads and other Puranas. It is a way to maintain a balance between the connections of the mind, body, and soul.
Benefits of Yoga
1.) Eases and Decreases Stress
Indulging yourself in yoga is a way to alleviate stress from your mind and promote relaxation. Who doesn’t want this?
Sometimes our lives get a little too hectic and yoga is the perfect way to ground yourself and relieve any worries.
It is scientifically proven that it actually decreases the secretion of the cortisol hormone. Cortisol is the stress hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. Your brain will trigger this hormone in response to stressful situations.
2.) Improves Your Overall Quality of Life
Practicing yoga is actually becoming a commonly used adjunct therapy to many individuals. Working on the balance between your mind, body, and soul will eventually start to make you feel better than you ever have and improve your quality and outlook on your life.
A study was done where women going through chemotherapy were followed. While going through chemotherapy, the women started to practice yoga, and symptoms of the chemotherapy, like vomiting and nausea, were significantly reduced.
3.) Reduces Anxiety
While practicing yoga, stress response systems are altered, allowing your heart rate to calm, your blood pressure to lower, and your respiration to be controlled and at ease.
Anxiety is lowered when your body is in a natural feeling of peace from within.
4.) Improved Breathing
During yoga, deep breathing is used allowing your lungs to take in as much oxygen as possible. This replenishes your muscles and cells allowing them to function at their best, benefiting your overall health.
Your body will be thanking you!
5.) Spinal Health
The well being of your spine is not a topic widely discussed, but it is a huge aspect of our lives regarding your health. Overtime your spine takes a beating and can become stiff leading to various health issues.
Many positions in yoga focus on the twist of the spine allowing it to become more loose and strong. These twists and poses can improve your energy levels, health of your back, as well as your posture.
6.) Mental Health
Your brain is the powerhouse of your body, so you need your mental health to be in the best condition possible.
Yoga is one of the BEST activities you can do for your mental health in your life. During yoga, your mind is cleared. This creates a grounded feeling which is also called mindfulness.
7.) Significantly Improves Flexibility and Balance
In some yoga practices such as Yin, poses are held for up to FIVE minutes. This allows your muscles to really settle into the position and obtain the full stretch.
Stretching of the muscles combined with the deep breathing used allows for flexibility to become enhanced.
8.) Improves Blood Flow and Circulation
When you hold a pose in yoga, a tremendous amount of blood flow is sent to certain areas in your body, and when you change into another pose, the blood runs to another area.
With an increased blood flow to all areas of the body, you are able to function at your best.
9.) Aids in Improvement of Sleep
While you sleep, certain hormones are released to help rebuild your muscles, tissues, and cells. Your body also secretes substances that can fight illnesses and infections while you sleep.
A regular practice of yoga is shown to help improve the quality and duration of your sleep, allowing your body to get more repair overnight.
10.) Increases Strength
Not only is yoga used for soothing the mind and bringing awareness to the present moment, but it is also used for strength building.
With the various amounts of poses available, they each target a different group of muscles in your body. Repeating these poses and holding them for long periods of time can help boost your endurance level and build muscle.
You should move your body and stretch your muscles at least once a day, as movement brings energy and energy allows for happiness. Allow yoga to soothe your mind and body.
Spirulina is a natural microscopic cyanobacterium (algae) that comes from ponds or other warm bodies of water most commonly in Africa, Asia, and Central America. This superfood is highly dense in antioxidants, B complex vitamins, and many other nutrients. Because it contains so many nutrients, there are many health benefits of Spirulina.
It’s mainly composed of proteins and other essential amino acids. Due to it being mainly composed of protein, it also has a high concentration of protein and iron.
Here’s the breakdown.
Choosing Your Spirulina
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Picking out which Spirulina you are going to use is very important. Ensuring your product is coming from a clean source is key considering it is in fact an algae.
Many Spirulina products on the market today are grown in areas that are exposed to environmental pollution. This allows toxins such as herbicides, microcystin, BMAA, and Chilean Nitrate to enter the Spirulina. Nobody wants to eat toxins.
Spirulina from Zazzee Organics has always been my personal go-to. After about two hours of researching the brand and comparing brands, I decided to make my first Spirulina purchase (this was two years ago and I am still hooked on this brand).
You can find cheaper Spirulina products elsewhere, but be warned cheaper price means more chance of chemicals and nasty toxins. I always preach, your health is an investment, not an expense.
So with that, indulge yourself in the beautiful benefits of my favorite superfood ever.
Benefits of Spirulina
1.) Endless Amount of Nutrients
Spirulina contains a high amount of proteins. A single tablespoon contains the following:
4 grams of protein
Vitamin B1 (11% of the RDA). For those of you who don’t know RDA is the Recommended Dietary Allowance.
Vitamin B2 (15% of the RDA)
Vitamin B3 (4% of the RDA)
Copper (21% of the RDA)
Iron (11% of the RDA)
While potassium and manganese are in very small amounts compared to other nutrients, they are still there.
The fact that something that comes from the Earth we live on can actually benefit our health in multiple ways is just crazy to me.
2.) Contains Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
This is one of my favorite benefits of Spirulina.
Spirulina is a blue-green algae whose main active component is phycocyanin. This substance is an antioxidant which can actually inhibit the production of inflammatory signaling molecules in your body, therefore reducing inflammation.
Basically oxidative damage can produce harm on your body’s cells and DNA and with the help of Spirulina, you can prevent it from happening. The active component of phycocyanin helps combat inflammation and reduce oxidative damage.
3.) Improves Inflammation in Your Nasal Passageways (Allergic Rhinitis)
If you have allergies like me and are constantly fighting a stuffy nose, Spirulina can help with that. Who wants to be constantly sneezing, coughing, and dealing with a congested nose? Nobody!
A study was actually done regarding herbal supplements and Allergic Rhinitis. In the conclusion of the study done, males and females using Spirulina actually reported a significant improvement in their Allergic Rhinitis condition.
4.) Aids in Removing Heavy Metals
Spirulina is very high in Chlorophyll which can actually remove toxins from your bloodstream and improve your immune system.
You can obtain metals in your body by consuming contaminated drinking water.
A study was done on patients with extremely high arsenic poisoning due to contaminated drinking water. Out of this study, it was found that consuming Spirulina and a Zinc supplement twice daily for up to 16 weeks can significantly reduce arsenic poisoning in your body.
How to Consume Spirulina
My personal favorite way of consuming Spirulina is through capsules. Similar to swallowing a pill, I just take two capsules two-three times a day.
I purchase my capsules through the Herb Stop, as they are a very trusted brand of mine. Their Herb Masters produce all their products in a safe natural way.
You can also consume Spirulina via a powder form that you can mix into smoothies or milkshakes if you wanted. This was how I initially started consuming Spirulina because it was on the cheaper side. But after a while making smoothies two-three times a day gets a little tiring, hence why capsule form is my favorite.
I promise you, Spirulina will do so many great things for your body, internally and externally. Keep in mind, this is NOT personal medical advice, only me spreading my knowledge of the various benefits of Spirulina and love for the tremendous superfood.