I know most people in this generation of technology aren’t even reading books anymore, let’s face it. Most of you will probably just skim through this article because you’re too lazy to read every single part. It’s a sad reality. Whether it be because “if you read books you’re a nerd” or you’re “just too lazy”, books contain knowledge…and knowledge is power. So would you really be complaining about becoming powerful? I didn’t think so. Here I will talk about 6 books that will leave you feeling empowered and ready to take on the world physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Knowledge is power people. Utilize it. If you have time to stalk your ex on Instagram, you have time to read a book.

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The Most Impactful Books I’ve Read

1.) Crushing It!

crushing it by Gary vee

This will forever be my favorite book to ever exist. I literally get chills when I read it. It is intended for more of an entrepreneurial audience, but I think this book has MAJOR potential in helping people change their mindset for the better.

World-famous entrepreneur Gary Vee talks about what it takes to really accomplish goals and how nothing will come to you if you just sit on your ass and do nothing. This book has motivated me in SO many ways and sparked my creative passion.

This book will give you:

  • motivation
  • hope
  • inspiration
  • personal development suggestions
  • a plan
  • a fire in your soul
  • strategy

2.) Gaia Speaks Sacred Earth Wisdom

Gaia speaks sacred earth wisdom book

To all my homies out there who want to dig deeper than just the surface of our physical existence, this is for you.

I can’t even begin to describe how much this book has changed my perspective of our very existence. Pepper Lewis, the amazing author, speaks in regards to Gaia or “Earth” and the connected interactions we as humans experience with our planet on an everyday basis.

As well as regards to our planet Earth, Lewis also speaks of deep soul wisdom we can utilize to become more awakened and in tune with ourselves. After reading this book, I had a higher awareness. The best part is each chapter is a different section on a topic. You could skip to chapter 20 then go back to chapter 10 if you wanted.

This book will give you:

  • insight
  • spiritual power
  • wisdom
  • a feeling of connection
  • a sense of why you’re here
  • awareness

3.) The Four Agreements

the four agreements book

Ah yes, the Four Agreements. Personally also one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE books I have stumbled across. I love this book so much that I am actually starting a trend where I send it to someone who could benefit, then they read it and send it to someone, then they send it to someone and so on.

The Four Agreements is a book based on ancient Toltec wisdom by Don Miguel Ruiz. Essentially Ruiz discusses how each soul has agreements we make with ourselves at a very young age that shape who we are and our personality.

These agreements more often than not serve as sources of self-limiting beliefs that create thoughts of doubt and suffering. Ruiz tells us the Four basic agreements we should cement into our mind in order to break the restraints of self-limiting beliefs and live our lives in pure bliss and abundance. This book will leave you feeling more spiritually and philosophically empowered than most.

This book will give you:

  • confidence
  • happiness
  • a sense of peace and tranquility
  • wisdom
  • mental bliss

4.) Soul’s Divine Journey

soul's divine journey book

I would say this book is for any audience, religious or not. Sri Gary Oleson talks about the value each path and practice has in life and spiritual liberation (self-realization). There is a deeper meaning in our lives and our soul’s journey throughout our physical lifetime, and that is what Oleson has come here to discuss.

Using the wisdom of the Light and Sound teachings, he speaks about your soul’s evolution over time and the path to self-realization. After reading this, I felt more of a sense of why I am here.

This book will give you:

  • a sense of direction
  • insight
  • higher thinking
  • deeper understandings

5.) The Tipping Point

the tipping point book

I would say this book teaches you something a person or education system could never teach you. Malcolm Gladwell discusses the principles of the “tipping point”, essentially the point at which a trend, behavior, or idea crosses a threshold and spreads like wildfire.

Many real-life examples are given allowing you to better understand the concept. The concept of the tipping point can be used in many aspects of life. I found MORE than one aspect in my life this topic related to and have been striving to reach for that tipping point.

This book will give you:

  • ways to utilize your resources to your advantage
  • ideas on how to go from 0 to 100
  • awareness of how you can create more support for small businesses
  • hope

6.) Think and Grow Rich

think and grow rich book

An all-time classic by Napoleon Hill. This book is based on Hill’s Laws of Success philosophy which he worked his entire lifetime to produce. I think this is the #1 book that will leave you feeling empowered.

Using legendary examples of successful millionaires such as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Andrew Carnegie, he highlights the fundamental idea that riches are in fact NOT difficult to obtain. Everything starts with a mindset that allows you to attract what you please in your life. You simply just have to learn to use it.

This classic brings you spiritual and monetary wisdom that could bring you a fortune and completely change your mindset and life. Below I attached an excerpt from the summary from the website I bought this book off of.

Source: Thriftbooks.com

If you don’t ever read this book in your life, you are missing out on many opportunities to grow.

This book will give you:

  • spiritual wisdom
  • feelings of how to achieve success
  • determination
  • money mindset
  • information on the law of vibration and attraction

All in all each book will at least give you knowledge. So why not leverage that for your own benefit? These are my top recommendations of books that will leave you feeling empowered. Watch out world, here you come.

Spread the wellness!