Aglowing complexion is all the rage in 2021. You can approach obtaining this glow from the outside or from the inside. Turns out, the phrase “you glow from within” is really true! We’ve been noticing more and more that lathering on pricey creams and serums isn’t the only thing that will lead you to that dream complexion. It’s rather a result of paying attention to something else…your organs.

We had the opportunity to chat with certified Colon Hydrotherapist Keshia Marie regarding the key to smooth, healthy, and nourished skin. According to Keshia and numerous other practitioners, regular sessions of colonics can clear up acne, eczema, and even one session can produce a healthy glow. In our interview with Keshia we focus on why colonics are gaining popularity for great skin.


“Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies that releases toxins”

Our Chat with Keshia Marie

Thank you for taking the time to talk colonics with us here at Similar Souls On Fire. I’m going to first start by asking you, 

How would you describe colon hydrotherapy to someone who has never heard of it?

I describe Colon Hydrotherapy as Hydro (Water) Therapy for your Colon. Warm filtered water is gently infused into your colon by use of a small instrument called a speculum, its sterile and safe it is inserted into the anus, (your butt hole) by the therapist or you can insert the spec yourself based on the system used.

There are a few choices of colon hydrotherapy systems but generally, most facilities offer the Open-system or the closed-system. The open system is where you get to push your waste out like you’re on the toilet. In the closed system, there is no push it is a pressurized system operated by the therapist. When you do have the urge to go, instead of pushing, the therapist will release the valve that allows the waste to flow from you, through the waste hose, into the colonic system and down the septic (like you’re flushing the toilet). Pretty interesting huh?

What initially made you interested in becoming a certified Colon Hydrotherapist?

 After receiving quite a few colon hydrotherapy treatments myself, then my husband tried them (but not until he saw a difference in me). I remember like it was yesterday. It was session number 7 and that was the same session that I literally felt a change like a light bulb came on. It was like brain fog was lifted, I was now aware of my surroundings, it was like I was asleep, all that time and it literally felt like I had just woke the f*** up. (Excuse me but I normally don’t express myself that way).

“Colon Hydrotherapy helped extend my daughter’s life” 

My 2nd oldest baby girl Jonae had a chronic heart condition called Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM), the pediatric heart physician told me that there was nothing more that they can do for my Sweety. She was four years old when they registered her with Hospice and told me not to bring her back to the hospital.

The owner of the facility in Chicago suggested giving my daughter an enema to help release some toxins and said it would give her some relief. We brought her in on our next session and when the therapist saw her she pleaded with us to allow her to give my daughter a colonic instead of an enema, we said why not? My baby had a colonic which took about 15-20 minutes when my daughter got up her tummy had gone down maybe 50 % or more. To me it was flat. She received so much relief that she was able to lay completely on her tummy.

How does colon hydrotherapy relate to your skin’s health and natural glow? 

Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies that releases toxins. When we sweat, exercise, drink alcohol etc. toxins are released through our pores.  If one is not eating the healthiest, living a healthy lifestyle, or is overwhelmingly stressed out; pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads may form on the skin.

That is why water (Alkaline, Lemon and Chlorophyll) is very important to drink. Aim for drinking at least ½ of your body weight in ounces. This is how much water you should drink to help flush the toxins out through other organs as well as the liver, kidneys, bladder, helping your skin to provide a healthy natural glow

What happens if we never get colon hydrotherapy in our lives?

I will describe and compare their colon to a garbage can that has food continuously dumped in and is never dumped out and washed. The food sits in the colon, rots, begins to stink, the toxins then leaches through the bloodstream and you begin to feel sick, weak, develop allergies, flu cold-like symptoms all the time, pooping smells like who died?

Breath stinks so bad no matter how much you brush your teeth and floss, body odors are formed from the underarms no matter how much deodorant is applied and private areas smell no matter how many showers are taken.

What can happen if your stool sits in your colon for too long? What effects can that trigger?

I see it all too often, so many people I knew from family members, friends, clients, actors, singers die from Colon and rectal cancer just this week an Actress (Natalie Deselle- Reid) died from Colon Cancer.

Other Ways of Cleansing

Why is cleansing so essential to our health and vitality?

Cleansing is essential to help assist us with long life/longevity. I remember some time ago now I met a man, less than 20 years ago during that time he was 107 years young he lived to 114 years. Mr. Bernando LaPollo says to me as he addresses the page from his book to me, Keshia you’re doing a wonderful thing giving and getting Colonics, the key to Long life is to ‘Keep your Colon Clean’.

It’s important that the total body is cleansed, our major organs need cleansing from head to toe, the cleansing process can be daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonally. Infrared saunas, ionic footbaths, meditation, fasting, water fasting with alkaline water, juice fasting, intermediate fasting, drinking herbal Chinese teas, matcha, oil pulling, parasite cleansing, are all fantastic. Total body cleansing products from Renew Life, Nature Sunshine products are reasonably priced.

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